Is Steemit really going VIRAL? Steemit is ander attac of cybersquatting.

@masteryoda posted ecstatic post about how extremely fast steemit grows. Many graphs and clever words. BUT. Look at the situation closer. Try to register account "microsoft", "samsung", "bmw"... ah? Ok, may be representatives of the companies found Steemit very perspective and got a jerk on to register their labels? Any way this nicknames already occupied. Let's go further. Try to register account "boy", "girl", "putin", "vodka", "money"... They already occupied too. Every short english word of three letters as well.
So, is Steemit really going VIRAL? I think It is old known cybersquatting. And You?
I can not believe, that this action is invisible for curators and developers.
And very interesting is this post About the real number of active Steemit users.

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