PowerUp to over 10,000 SteemPower - THANKS Everyone!

Bucking the trend by PowerUp?

Maybe - I never thought I would ever achieve 10,000 SteemPower in my life after being active since 4 months - maybe it is also nonsense to PowerUp these days but I did it. Thanks to all my 777 or almost 800 Followers and other Steemians that supported me - even I am strange once in a while. Appreciate all of you. All the Steem and Steem Power in my Wallet has been generated via Steemit Activity which is kind of cool - I did not invest any external coins / fiat so I have nothing to loose (apart from the time, brain and heart I invested here).

Why? I trust the ecosystem around Steem - I trust the PEOPLE

I am not a crypto king or tech / dev guy but I have a little bit of instinct what models could work at least having worked in sales, marketing and comms since 20 years. I do BELIEVE Steem and its ecosystem are a game changer in the industry! Not only financially or because of blockchain! No it is at least 50% because of the community, the people drive this as any other business. If you do not have trust in a company as staff or client this company will fail! Therefore I am confident this one here will become / remain a success story!

Advise for Newbies

Actually I do not have advise as I am no legally accepted financial advisor. To be successful here depends on various factors. The network you build, the relations you establish (here Steemfest really deserves a mention as there you can talk to the big guys, the whales and make an impact), the content you provide. As a little dolphin I can only say what I feel is best for me:

Heart and Brain need to create a Joint-Venture! If you have no Passion for this and are in for the fast money you better leave!

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