Vote for good or vote for money! 有钱真能使鬼推磨吗?

There is a Chinese saying: " Money can make the world go around!" It seems that when there is money involved, there are always a lot of drama. It happens on Steemit too.

Since I joined the Steemit family five months ago, I have been excited to see that my wallet is getting some money every day. I imagine that I could invest some money there, build a few more accounts (Just found someone owns more than 100 bots here) and then I can just vote for myself to get back some decent money every day, which might be much better than many nine to five jobs. But is it proper to do that? Should I vote for money or content?

Steemit is a decentralized, transparent social platform where there is no law or too much restraint. It is a place that constantly challenges your values versus the desires of your life!

Does STEEMIT make your life better or does MONEY make your world go around?

Please leave your comments!

中国有句俗话:“有钱能使鬼推磨!” 只要有涉及到金钱的地方总有很多戏剧性的故事发生,这在Steemit里也非常充分的体现了出来。

从我五个月前加入这个大家庭,从开始看到自己的钱包有一些零花钱的兴奋, 想象着自己投资一些钱在里面,多注册几个账号(才发现里面有人还有一百多个机器人),这样每天赞自己就可以有不错的收入,比早九晚五的工作好多了。但是这样做好吗?我是要为钱而投票还是内容?


到底Steemit 是否将你的生活变好了吗?是否真的是 “有钱就能使鬼推磨呢?”



Picture from Pixabay

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