ecoTrain Question of the Week: “What was one of the most profound spiritual moments of your life?”



The quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.

For the past year, my life has taken a big leap towards a path of seeking, seeking that which is hidden within. The spiritual journey begins once we start to question what is what and see that we are actually more than the label placed upon us by society and others. Before starting my journey I had not the slightest of ideas of what potential one individual has stored within. I always saw the world through different eyes, since a young age, back then I thought that everyone saw things as I do, which was a grave mistake after having my encounter with Kundalini and Psychadelics later on in life.

How it all began

I must admit that back then my ego had the better of me, not due to my conscious wanting but due to how life revolved around me, sometimes we pick up on things without us even knowing or wanting to, just because the others find it as worthy gives us the illusion that it's good for us.

One day I decided to take LSD for the first time (and last), not knowing where it would lead me to, operating on expectations and false beliefs, that day was when my journey began and life turned around.

It didn't take much time once I took the drug, it started showing its effects on me which were quite exhilarating at the beginning but got really messy half way. Things started to move and flux, buildings warped and all perception of lights changed. Simply reading about it can't be compared to see things shift as if it were real. At this point, everything was messed up and I could handle it but it seemed as the drug had more in stored for later.

I must say that the whole experience lasted for 8 hours, which felt like eons actually due to the perception of time being gone.

At one point everything started to get too extreme and scary, the world around me started to decompose, people had a luminescence of their own, everyone with a different color based on their mood. If someone was angry, he would glow red, if he was loving the color changed to green and all sorts of other strange stuff.
Really words can't describe the life like experience that I was seeing and experiencing first hand.

When things got too extreme I decided to detach myself from everything and go back home to sleep in hopes the nightmare stopped but it didn't. Once I laid my head on the bead things got even worse. Everything around me started to vanish, just disappear into thin air, my emotions were so strong it felt as if I was radiated with something, slowly everything was consumed by the darkness and I lost consciousness for a second or two. Once I regained consciousness "I" didn't really exist at all, or at least my body or the known world. The only thing that was seen was fractals all around. For some reason, peace and acceptance were the only things that could be felt as emotions.

Two or three seconds later ( although time didn't really exist there) I noticed or in other words, my consciousness noticed that every question was answered, there was no need to do anything as everything had been done.

This was the scariest feeling that I've ever sensed on an intuitive and emotional level, it is really indescribable!

It seems that I had found the so-called, Akashic Records.

In theosophy and anthroposophy, the Akashic records are a compendium of all human events, thoughts, words, emotions and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present or future. They are believed by Theosophists to be encoded in a non-physical plane of existence known as the etheric plane.

The thought of life stopping and knowing everything scared me so hard that I started begging to go back from where I came from and a couple of moments later something happened and My eyes opened.

The transition period wasn't really noted by my consciousness at the time.

It felt as If nothing had ever happened, my body my eyes and senses were back, the experience was so over powered that I remember walking around in my town and looking at trees, feeling eternal love and ecstasy just by doing that, I felt as if I was in a trance that day, honestly looking back, that was the happiest day I ever had. One strange thing was that there were no thoughts in my head, it was all pure experience, sadly things didn't really end here, there was far more to my spiritual beginning than this powerful experience.

The following day

After going to bed in an ecstatic state I was awoken around 4'o clock midnight. My body arched, my breath stopped and a massive amount of energy traveled from the bottom of my spine to the top of my head, firing all the neuro pathways and neurons in my head.

The only thing I saw when this happened was a picture in my mind's eye, a picture of my brain shaped as the three of life with thousands of branches (neuro pathways) being fired all at once.

I fainted and regained consciousness the following day.

First sight of Kundalini

I woke up to a state of psychosis that lasted several months, it had seemed that I had a full blown kundalini awakening and it had started working on my neuro pathways, cleaning what was stored from the past, making me re-live my entire life mentally and find resolutions to things I had done, things that were stored in me.

Since that day my life was a spiritual journey, every day of it held something new and I started learning how life worked at its core and it would take a whole book to describe everything so I will leave it to here.


My life changed and I found peace, discipline and pure love after all of this had happened, the inner battle was too much at points but it was worth it, yet I wouldn't wish this on anyone. Also not to say that there were a total of FIVE near death experiences on the path, none of them being from a physical source.

Be Free


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