Peace is just one of the steps towards fulfillment


Towards out the chaos we seek to find that golden peace where our hearts can flow and blossom to their utmost potential. I've noticed that the demand for peace has been higher than ever before, people have had enough of the daily struggle and are simply looking to find a sweet melancholy with life, building an inner workspace to craft the perfect future. Some people stop once they obtain peace and harmony but that is only one step towards fulfillment, hence this article will be dedicated to the ones that want to expand beyond the void of harmony and push their boundaries as they go.

Peace is a milestone

Being peaceful is hard but once reached it opens up a viewing perspective towards newer horizons that can escalate life to heights beyond the everyday rush and hustle style. Everything in life is possible with the right visions and the right amount of well-alocated effort. Finding peace allows us to see how we may invest energy into the efforts needed without wasting any of it on stuff that doesn't benefit our current situation.

Although it goes without saying that there are different kinds of peace that are required in order to excel at different goals.
For Example.

Peace of Heart

Is required for those who seek to help others, those who want to see beyond their own reflection and really grasp other peoples struggles emotions and situations. Finding peace of heart changes the way we see the world and shows us the beauty in everything which is deemed ugly by the many and we truly understand that the negatives expressed by others come from their own inability of acceptance of the given subject that makes an impact on them.

Finding it shows us that everything in life has its own purpose and meaning, teaching us valuable lessons even if seen as painful, negative, unpleasant or ugly. Only when we manage to rise above the negative are we given the opportunity to understand and use a given thing to our advantage, finding a deep respect for the way it works and a newly refined way of interpretation.

Peace of Mind

There is a great difference between our Brains and our Minds. The human brain is the ultimate tool that has the potential to change the world when used right, but the Mind is something that always seems to find a way to stop it from working at its fullest potential. The Mind was created with time and it is constantly stuck either in the future or in the past, that by itself is ok if we look at the future with good intentions and the past with joy and a means of sharing a laugh with a friend or two, but right now mainly everyone is looking towards the future with fear and the past with regrets. If you don't believe me, have a look at your thoughts, every one of them is derived either from the future or the past. If the mind was constantly in the present moment the thoughts would be to a bare minimum.

Finding peace of mind is crucial for those who want to create and build things to make the world a better place, things that are extensions of their expression, be it art or technology. It is needed so we may only look towards the development of our dreams through the eyes of the mind, otherwise we will be in a constant battle with things that don't fit the subject and have no reluctance, despite that we can still find ways to cross reference these things with our future and find ways to forsake what we want, just because something else is stressing the hell out of us, that thing not even being in the present moment.

It is quite simple, the future we seek to obtain, build, manifest is nothing more than a mixture of right decisions, the hardest thing is to find them and keep them as our mind throws all kinds of stuff at us.

“There is so much about my fate that I cannot control, but other things do fall under the jurisdiction. I can decide how I spend my time, whom I interact with, whom I share my body and life and money and energy with. I can select what I can read and eat and study. I can choose how I'm going to regard unfortunate circumstances in my life-whether I will see them as curses or opportunities. I can choose my words and the tone of voice in which I speak to others. And most of all, I can choose my thoughts.”
― Elizabeth Gilbert

Peace of Emotions

Emotions are the inner Rapids, I like to see them as soul flares that leave an impression on our consciousness as something within us is triggered. Although most people take the emotions as autonomous responses, they can be managed, balanced and refined with specific practices. Finding peace within your emotional spectrum allows you to find a deeper connection with yourself and also benefits the aforementioned mind and heart. For the ones that have the power of mind and heart, balancing emotions is a must in order to achieve anything that requires a great amount of consistency.

We mostly give up on what we want not due to the inability to reach it, but due to the negative emotions that gather from other sources and are allocated to that specific achievement. Sometimes we hate or despise things just because we have a radiance of hate within ourselves which spreads towards out our consciousness.


As we can see, achieving peace at any of these levels isn't going to make your dreams come, but it will grant you the means to see them come true, by easing the amount of labor we need to put in on any kind of level to shape them into reality.

Thank you for reading !

P.S : Also I'm back from my small vacation and will resume my article writing activity on the platform <3

Be Free !


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