The real reason I can't stop smoking cigarettes.




I've been smoking cigarettes for quite some years now, around 7 if I have to be honest. At the beginning, it was quite apparent to me as of what I was doing but as time passed cigarettes have grown on me and are now something like an extension of my lifestyle.

A lot of people end up telling you "Don't Smoke" but a person never really listens. I can't say that I'm physically dependent on cigarettes because I've seen some really hooked up people that need them on a body level and that really scares me to some point. Overall I'm going to try and give a mental overview of what I've noticed as a smoker for 7 years.

Being a smoker

I need to be really honest here, I started smoking cigarettes back then due to their so given "SWAG" appeal if I can even put it that way. Most of the people around me at that age were smokers only for one reason and that was "Ego gain". Now I wasn't really that much about pumping my ego but it felts as if I should try it myself, only to change my aesthetic vision.

Now when I look back on the whole aesthetic scheme, it might have been ego gain really.

Also looking back on it, it was to some extent an act of liberation and freedom as I used to rely on my parents back then and they had the tendancy to tell me what to do and sort out my life as it was theirs to manage.

The first couple of packs had that slight nauseating yet kind of high feel, so it was quite addictive at first, sadly the feeling faded away as my lungs and body adapted to the nicotine and other fumes.

A year later smoking had turned from something worth experiencing to a major gap filler in my life. Now I'm not sure about how people go about in life, but I've always had to occupy myself to do something, otherwise, I end up feeling a bit anxious and that is my main purpose of smoking cigarettes.

If I end up sitting still for more than 10/15 minutes, then my brain automatically gives me the urge to light a cigarette so the time is spent in some sort of progressive state.

This would be the main reason as to why I'm constantly smoking.

Another reason would be that cigarettes have the tendency to make certain things more pleasant on an emotionally fulfilling level. For instance smoking after eating, it makes you feel lighter, especially helps if you stuff yourself with food. Also one of the most amazing things is lighting a cigarette on a nice view, for instance, if you are gazing at a city night lights scene.


Cigarettes haven't addicted my body to any extent, rather they are an extension of the things I perceive, or rather an addition to the way they are perceived and a time filler that helps deal with stillness. One of my ideas to deal with the gap filling stillness was to pick up writing something for steemit if I had the urge to smoke, which I am looking forward to doing later on these days, honestly, if I transform my smoking habit into writing ones I'd be looking at a brighter future.

For now, cigarettes stay as an extension of my lifestyle and an amplifier to my ways of perceiving specific case scenarios. I have no idea for how long I 'm going to continue smoking but it brings me pleasure in given moments. Also, I don't recommend anyone starting because I know how hard it is to quit the habits you make out of it, not the cigarettes themselves.

Smoking doesn't really addict us at first sight, but rather we make mental patterns that we get addicted to, hence we are actually making the addiction as we go forward in time, being truly addicted in my eyes would mean that your body has the urge and the need of nicotine, having spasms or whatever the outcome of extremely long term smoking is. I think that if we manage to notice our smoking patterns and start to change them or better replace them, it would be easy to give up on the whole concept itself.

What makes you smoke?

Thanks for reading! & Be Free !

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