The secrets behind Emotional Energy


In this article, we will have a look at Emotions as a concept and how they are formed as a sort of Energy. Emotions play a huge role in our life, they are the guiding markers that we place as we go towards our goals and achievements. Emotions are the tools that help us achieve that which we seek faster and in a more efficient way.

Emotions as Weight

Let's look at emotions as a sort of Energy, for now, let's say that its energy put into motion towards a given notion. Now I'm not going to go in-depth as to what chemical reactions occur when experiencing given emotions as that is a bit complex, I'm just going to explain how they work as a core platform.

Every emotion has its own range, frequency, depth, strength, and weight.

The frequency defines the Strenght which sets the weight on our overall construct and we can experience the depth as a byproduct of that.

We have a certain Emotional reserve that may be used to our advantage or in given situations as a disadvantage, it all depending on how the given individual uses his emotional energy.

Let's just look at it as a tank filled with Liquid Energy for the moment being.

This Energy fuels our emotional responses and they guide our actions toward specific approaches, just like an internal combustion engine but a bit more complex.
For example, something happens, somebody gives you a call on the phone and the given information that you receive strikes fear in you. That will start to drain the tank and transform that Energy into fear which will fuel you towards given outcomes when taking action, hence you are using Fear to guide your deeds towards a more self-sustained, protection approach.

Our bodies can't really see if there is really anything threatening us, therefore we can change our biochemistry only by thinking of something even if it's not in front of us.

Of course, our emotional Tank is limited towards out the day, hence we have only so much to use for given situations.
Now I only gave an example of fear but this example works for all given emotions, love, joy, lust, you name it. When we are stuck on a given emotional frequency our thoughts, actions and outcomes will be formed based on it.

PRO TIP OF THE DAY: Meditation allows us to regain some of our wasted emotional energy back.

Emotions and Mental State

Now here comes one other mediator to how much we can handle one given emotion and how much energy we can have stored and that is our Mental state.

Look at the mental state as a bottle. We start pouring the Energy in the bottle. The bottle is closed and sooner or later it will fill up and blow. When it blows the energy will be released, after that happens we would have used all of our energy and the bottle will be empty until we can start filling it up again, or in other words when we regenerate.

Now there are a lot of other mechanics behind this but I'm just going to explain it in the plainest way imaginable. When we go into the mechanics we can see how we can change the bottle's size, its thickness and all other stuff like that

Emotions as Mixtures

Now there is more to emotions than the basic presets we experience, actually, emotions have quite a huge range that forms through emotional Mixtures. Let's have a look at Plutchic's wheel of emotions on the right.

Here we can see how emotions can mix together to form other branches of emotional responses. Honestly, things here start to get deeper and I don't really want to go into big details about how these mixtures work, I wanted to keep this article as plain as possible so I'll just add this section to quickly show how it works out.

Also, I don't really think one should go in really deep on these concepts, rather let things flow as they do because the emotional responses are autonomous to some extent.

Before ending this article I'm going to state some facts about emotions and their role in society, just for the fun facts of it, so here are some principles and facts about emotions and what they do.

1. The concept of emotion is present on all evolutionary levels and they apply to all animals and humans.
  1. Emotions have their own evolutionary history and have evolved through various forms and states of expression in different species.

  2. Emotions serve an adaptive role in helping us deal with key survival situations posed by the environment.

  3. Despite different outlets of expression of emotions in different species, there are certain common factors or prototype patterns that can be identified and described.

  4. There is a small set of basic, primary, or prototype emotions.

  5. All other emotions are mixtures or derivative states; that is, they form as combinations, mixtures, or compounds of the primary emotion ones.

  6. Primary emotions can be grouped in terms of pairs of polarized opposites.

  7. All emotions vary in their extent of similarity to one another.

  8. Each emotion has its own range of intensity weight and variables.

These are some facts from previous studies regarding emotions by Plutchik.

Thanks for reading.

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