The truth behind Humaniti's desires and why we have faild to achieve them.



If you think money is the first thing to come across this topic, you are right, yet it will not be mentioned in the way you think it will.

Today money is the utmost important thing to strive for, yet that is an illusion made by the ever so long presence of it. It allows us to get a grasp on what physically matters to us in hopes of filling our true hearts desires, the only issue is that it fails to deliver on all levels in most cases.

Owning everything you desire can be boring at times, really, especially if the things you get don't bring you any emotional benefits. For the ones that don't have the opportunity to experience everything in life, money will bring happiness to their soul's, hence they will get the gift of experience that brings happiness, not money itself as it is a means of acquiring that which they desire.

Money is just paper, we desire to experience an emotional feedback at our cores.

Money can't buy peace and acceptance on a soul level, neither can it help you go beyond yourself, for that lies within the core of a given individual and only he may find his way, that is if he desires to.

The Truth Behind our dreams

Some people can actually see beyond the illusion of money, grasping our soul's desires as they are expressed in many other abstract ways.

The truth is that we can see our desires expressed in art, movies songs and other outlets.
Have you watched any Anime recently? If so, you should notice that Anime has nothing in common with its flow as normal life circumstances and that is because the creators actually express they're locked up dreams and ambitions which they would like to see in real life. Being able to express that in a form of perceptional material allows us to go one step closer to what we really desire, at least we can see it from a standalone perspective rather than just dreaming about it.

This is one of the key aspects as to why Anime, Art and such are so well accepted in society as they provide an overview of that which we want to see happen in our own lifetime.

Imagine if it wasn't fictional, the emotional rewards would be beyond anything money can actually buy for us, if we only had the ability to experience it from a first person role.

Some good news about this is that we are evolving technology wise, being able to recreate our dreams and ambitions in fascinating ways, for example, the new VR tech that is rolling out, being able to immerse ourselves even more into our fictional dreams.

Probably in a couple of years, we will be able to fully structure some sort of replicas, yet this all could have been done way back in the time if things were a bit different on the planet.

Why we've faild

We've failed to express our dreams into our conscious walking earthly experience due to the fact that we give control to the few little people deemed worthy to have it in the eyes of the blind so they may better lead our worldly experiences. Well, that does work to some extent, the only issue is that we are walking only one path and that is technology and money. We've forgotten what it is to express our true selves, not only forgotten but it is seen as a defect by society to actually go out of the walking line.

Once you are born you are placed on a conveyor ride towards your end destiny, having the choice only to express your words as it rolls on and on, this conveyor being our government's and any forms of third party control that shape our life experience.

If I was living my dreams do you think I will resort to any sort of negative scenarios towards others? Or will I be too busy to be happy? Once one person is truly happy and embeds it as a core lifestyle he will never want to lose it, yet we are pushed to be negative because we have to make sacrifices for society to grow so it may try to create that which expresses our innermost feelings onto abstract creations.

People need to understand that we are one species living together on a giant space rock, a species with the potential to go beyond everything with unity, yet we throw it away and wonder as to why we aren't free hating life as it is.

At this point there isn't much one can do, but we can always treasure our dreams and find ways to express them in our lives. There isn't any point in throwing rocks at the system, rather use it to express yourself and make the most of it and maybe one day we will find ourselves swimming in dreams and pleasure that goes beyond buying a new car.

As for now, we have steemit, the source of new age freedom and the birthplace of what is to be a wave of dreams and ideas that are seeking to come alive.

Surely the day will come when color means nothing more than the skin tone, when religion is seen uniquely as a way to speak one's soul; when birth places have the weight of a throw of the dice and all men are born free, when understanding breeds love and brotherhood.
Josephine Baker

One day we shall regain freedom but only when we see that the power lies within unity, the unity to regain individuality, Nobody has the right to chose how life flows for anybody else, the only way for that to happen is when one forsakes himself to follow someone else, throwing his dreams aside to see the dreams of another be born into existence.

Be Free


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