The whole concept of ADHD/ADD is wrong ! And this is why.


ADD has been officially accepted as a disorder in our current social state. It stands for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. People think that when a person can't focus on a specific subject he has an attention deficit but that actually isn't the case. People with ADD actually have way much more attention than any other "NORMAL" person would have and I will explain why in this article.

It is actually an Overactive

People with "ADD" actually have an over active attention, it is so over active that the attention can't be allocated to one specific subject. I personally have "ADHD" and through self-exploration and refinement, I've noticed that my attention simply can't stay focused on one specific thing if it does then Hyperactivity kicks in.

The Energy behind the mechanism

When we look at the attention we are looking at consciousness in play or in other words the energy behind consciousness. Not being able to focus on one simple task is due to an over active energy flow, which triggers multiple viewing positions in our consciousness. People with ADD don't work in a linear fashion towards a given subject, when they are given a task they have the ability to see it from multiple viewing angles, for example how it will impact them, the benefits of it, how it will impact others, the negatives, or in other words the ability to see all the outcomes of one given thing. It isn't about the deficit, it's about how well one given thing will work for them and does the cost of time and energy overweight the struggles of achievement.

The only way for people with ADD/ADHD to work properly towards something is if that something is in sync with their souls calling or utmost good. Or in other words, Balancing Emotion/Action/Logic

My ADHD experience

Having ADHD is like having an overly amped emotional struggle with yourself. For example, when I have to go to work I know what I'm working for and how it benefits me. I put in X amount of effort, X amount of time, X amount of emotional energy into doing something repetitive for someone else so he may enjoy life better. This gives me in return X amount of paper that decides how my life will go. Hence when I have to work I know at my core that my life is restricted, I can't be truly free and live the way I want to. At the core, ADD is not a Deficit it's the ability to see how things make an impact on all levels of your overall structure not only physical suffering. People with ADD/ADHD have a great self-feel and feel for others (Active sympathetic nerve system) which means that they have the ability to not only comprehend words as simple sounds and a means of logical interpretation but can actually see beyond that and decode them at an emotional and mental level. Also this happens because the things have a great reversal Impact on the individuals.

A normal or in other words a person without ADHD can hate his job and tell himself (Ok I need the money) the struggle will be over but if someone with ADHD does that, the struggle will be over only in the logical perception, the emotional and mental feedback will continue due to the feedback from the subconscious mind.

A Person without ADHD will hate something due to seeing the impact that it does to him. A person with ADHD will know the impact that it will happen and hate that something before it happens.

When I write Articles on steemit it takes me a total of 30/50 minutes to write an article. This is because there aren't any negatives that make an emotional/mental/physical impact on me, I see only positives, hence there are no blocks that can stop my attention from curving towards negative impacts. This aligns my emotions and mental position towards a refined focus on the subject, allowing me to write without having any inner thoughts.

Now I must say that those are the reasons why I have ADD, there can be different reasons for others.

When I'm writing I write with my emotions and my energy not with logic. I write about what I've been through and how I see everything through my eyes.

The Hyperactivity

People think that the Hyper Activity comes from some chemical imbalances on a body level, which is to some extent correct, but that's a by product of the actual mental mechanics that are in play. When you think with emotions/mentality and Logic it requires a vast amount of energy.

Example: Writing I see what stands behind my words on an emotional level, following the same flow, looking at the emotional impact that my writing will leave and also look at the mental feedback it will create in peoples minds. Oh and finally the logic and synergy.

Doing all of these things simultaneously requires a Huge amount of energy. So let's say I'm stuck doing some hard labor that doesn't stimulate all of the aforementioned, that will lead to an Energetic build up and sooner or later reach a level where it will be affecting the body as Energy is stored in the cells. This will lead to an over active nervous system and hyperactivity.

This might sound like " I got more energy than others", but in fact it means " My nervous system is overloading and I can't think consciously about things that need to be done".

Simply Put

Let me describe this with the following pictures.


The arrows that are facing the (YOU) Mean that there is feedback that impacts the "Self Construct" from sources different than plain Logical perception. The mental Repercussion perception means that the individual has the ability to see how that specific action will have a long term impact on the "Self" Construct, creating more blockages that prevent the ability to perform it. But this is due to the overall way that the Individual works and won't change even if the given person decided to cut the feedback from these sources. If that is done the energy will be allocated towards out the body, creating hyperactivity.


The lack of arrows means facing the (YOU) means less impact to the "Self" Construct, hence less friction/weight and more ability to focus on logical action. This might seem as an advantage but has long term effects.


Not having ADHD Allows us to function more towards a given action with less emotional and mental strain, but cuts out some vantage points that the Emotional and Mental thinking/processing/perception allows us to see.
The main point here is that ADD/ADHD ISN'T a disorder ! It is a way of being that has it's own benefits. Finding how to benefit from it and how to function with it is the key towards an extremely happy and fulfilling life.

Be Free !


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