Thank You Letter To The Steemit Community: 400+ Followers & 4000+ Posts - Personal Milestone (Original Blog)

Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you

We can never be thankful enough for those who support us in our life goals, dreams and aspirations.

So I share and express my gratitude for all who have ever glanced at my posts, who have listened to my songs, who have read my novel and poetry, who have digested some blogs, who have interacted with me and who have shared their hearts and minds with a wonderful comment giving insight and their feedback

I give a special thanks to my intellectually gifted, and skilfully experienced brother @sirwinchester for telling me and my wife, his sister, about this amazing platform & I give a big shout out and acknowledgement to @ned who was one of my first biggest supporters, alongside @berniesanders, when I was getting acclimated and adjusting to all of the technical aspects of trying to share my creative works. And last but not least, I cannot forget the community proclaimed mayor of Steemit, @papa-pepper, for his brotherly friendship, cool musical vibes, community engagement and continued ,unwavering support. To anyone who feels left out or forgotten, don't worry, I acknowledge all the support and thank everyone indeed

I remember when I was brand new to Steemit and was struggling a bit to get the hang of things like all beginners experience, but with time invested into others and giving consistent support and encouragement to others, staying active in this wonderful community, it was only a matter of time until people took notice of what I have to give share and offer to the world.

It's amazing how much time has flown by, and in just a mere two months, I'll be nearing my 1 year anniversary since the first day joining Steemit. I am so glad to be a member here with all of you.

I couldn't imagine myself on any other social media platform, which doesn't reward me for my time and given creative content. We all truly have value and substance with qualitative interests and profound intentions to make impactful & influential things to occur in each other's lives. Most, if not all my other social media accounts are collecting dust, and rightfully so, unless I promote a Steemit post, or upload music to Soundcloud.

Without a doubt, I have become much more calculated, inspired, intelligent and moved from my time spent with all of you, my fellow Steemians and that is a big deal because beyond the computer screen, we are connecting on a human level that transcends the technology that allows us to communicate and integrate and elevate one another.

As I have said before, we are all not guaranteed our next moment of breath, so I give thanks now, and do not take for granted the success I have acquired here on this groundbreaking, innovative platform. I appreciate all of you and will continue pushing forward and sharing my music, arts, ideas, and thought provoking inner expressions through the creative lens, gifts, talents and skills that God has blessed me with to share and hone as I journey forward in life.

Time to aim for 500 followers!



Thank you for reading this post in its entirety, I hope you enjoyed it for what it's worth.

I'll still be continuing accepting donations until I can reach my goal to fly out to america with my children and wife to visit my family as it is very urgent indeed.

I've raised $1950 and .06 cents of Steemit Currency in total from both My Posts and Donations from Steemit Community Members this 2017 forward and $95.00 in US Dollar Donations so far towards my goal of $ 6,000.00 (Six Thousand) US Dollars and will keep everyone updated with every new future post that I submit.
This total amount will not only include donations I've received to the Paypal account I've provided:, but it will also include the Steemit Currency that I accrue/receive from all of my personal posts starting the 1st of January of 2017 forward calculated after a 48 hour time frame is finished for the payout cycle of each post to avoid miscalculating the fluctuating price of Steemit Currency.

For more information on that, please check my New Year's/Happy Bday Post

Thanks sincerely again in advance for all your help, anything and everything helps.

@fulltimegeek, @papa-pepper, @scammymcspambot, @prufarchy,, @dreemit, @inphiknit, @hopehuggs, @jedau, @sumsum, @edgarstudio, @the-future, @hanshotfirst, @tincho, @positive-trail, @ogochukwu, @kus-knee, @wakeupsheeps, @soushi888

All Gifs used from

Next Post coming tomorrow

My very own wonderful gif logo provided to me by the generous and kindhearted @papa-pepper Thanks again very much!

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