Why we invest in #Steem for the long term!

As someone who has traveling, and investing for years I try to notice trends. I noticed Bitcoin as it was running up to new highs, and I noticed Bitcoin as it crashed. Now when something crashes I start to look into fundamentals, and see if there are opportunities. Bitcoin was a new concept but I felt it presented an opportunity to own a unique asset class with high upside possibilities. Now the price is back above $600 USD, and ETH is now above $13 USD. I have invested in other crypto currencies but they just didn't feel right; although I do own CLUB coin and feel it also has some strong future possibilities. 

Now as the co-founder of ExploreTraveler Inc I have been very involved in social media, and traditional media. I see modern media as a force multiplier, and with much more possibility to help small business if they take the time understand some of online people psychology. So I don't separate social media, and crypto currency but already combine them for they seem to complement each other.

Now here comes along Steemit, and they have combined both worlds, and have come closer than any other in regards to what I see as the future of social media. There is still much more work to go but they have a online product, and people connected at Steemit Inc behind STEEM. The crypto community is also behind them with programmers, and enthusiasts.

Now a while back I started researching STEEM and had followed it's fast rise in price, and then noticed it's fall in price stability. This was the trigger moment I look for, and started accumulating STEEM and then backing our online Steemit assets at @exploretraveler with small amounts. Now with the price starting to stabilize, and hover around .59 I still consider this the window of buying opportunity. So profits from ETH and Bitcoin will continue to be converted into STEEM. I have been know to make small $500 - $3000 USD investments to $25,000 or higher into crypto business structure. So if the long term potential continues to show promise I will turn our company account into a whale account, and have our team to focus more on content here. 

I write this now to let my international colleagues know where my current mindset is, and for them to also consider picking up STEEM while the cost/risk is much lower. Opportunities are not always noticed until after the mainstream has come on board. So @vetvso and @exploretraveler will continue to buy and then hold for a longer term over the next few years. I sam sure this will effect our company account @exploretraveler , and lead to us having more activity since we are already very active on social media around the world. We will also start talking about some of our ideas, and how we can further integrate our blog with new crypto currencies, and ideas that help our readers travel the world.

Thank you @hilarski and @mqtodd for keeping this on my radar. :-)

#steemit #steem #exploretraveler

Happy Travels!

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