Steemers Help Please!...What Is This Thing Called Motivation?

Hi Steemers

I have question for you all. What drives some people to succeed and what pushes some to fail? I mean, even when presented with a set system for success, 95% of people end up in failure whilst only a few push on to succeed.

What decides your success or failure?What decides your success or failure?

I have been lucky where I have developed and grown my own eBay business to a level where I now don't have to have a JOB. I earn a full time income from eBaying, and I have been selling on eBay since 2004.

Now during this time, with A LOT of trial and error, I have perfected a sort of system that basically guarantees my sales, and provided I put in the legwork, I can make as much money as I want.

Over the years as I became more proficient and successful, I started to talk about my business and success more, and naturally some of my friends were also getting interested in what I was doing.

I took time out to show and teach them what I do, how I do it, and the sort of money that could be made.

Greedy People!All they saw was the dollar signs!

Most of them followed the system I showed them. Some didn't even try. Some said they were interested, just looked at the dollar signs, but didn't realise that there was actual work involved, they thought they would just have to jump onto eBay and the money would start flowing. Realising that wasn't the case, they threw their hands up into the air, and told me system didn't work.

Then there were others who at least persevered for a couple of weeks, or maybe even a month.

These guys and gals all made good sales, and followed my system to the letter....for while.

But then they would always let something get in the way of their success.

All the excuses started coming is the top 5 I got from them

  1. My car broke down
  2. My family/kids/spouse is sick
  3. I dont have the time/I'm too stressed
  4. Work is too busy at the moment
  5. I couldn't be bothered

I was flabbergasted at comment number 5, I mean here is a system that I personally use to pay my bills and put food in my fridge, I am showing how you can make money and I have proof it works, but YOU CANT BE BOTHERED?!?!?


So I'm not sure about what motivates some people? Even when getting glimpses of early success, all of my friends gave up in the end.

So my question to you is;

What drives you to success? What makes you get out of bed in the morning and fire up the computer? What makes you different from the next guy who gave up on his first attempt? What if you had been deterred after your first attempt at making money online?

I'd love to get your input on this...comment below

For me, my motivation comes from the fact that I have passion for what I do, I love flipping stuff for profit on eBay...and going that extra mile to make my customers happy. That's what grows my business and the more it grows the more motivated I get!

But maybe its deeper than that, maybe it comes from a built in desire to succeed, stemming from growing up in a poor family. Maybe its the fact that I made a decision when I first had children that I would NEVER let them go through anything like I had to as a kid.

Maybe its a combination of these things and others...but overall, I feel inspired to overcome my daily challenges, and push through to get a result.

I guess everyone is different, and if you can find that button that you need to press to get YOU motivated and keep you moving on the right direction ...then that's half the battle won!

Let me know what drives you, I'd love to hear your story!

Oh, and in case you might be needing a little motivation yourself, I've added one of my fav videos to get you off your ass and start working for that dream!

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