Serial Spaming your way into a Reputation of 56. How did this happen???

It's unbelievable but it's real. There are spammers with more reputation than some of the productive steemians who produce great content.

3 days ago I posted about steemit getting infested by serial spammers that diminish the quality of steemit. It was a bit long and personal post. I'm not going to repeat them here. You can read the whole post at:

Today I just stumbled upon a spammer not with some 20 something or even 30 something reputation. But a serial spammer who somehow managed to reach a reputation of 56. I don't know what to say. I'll just drop a link to scroll down.

Here is another copy/paste spammer with a reputation of 50.

All I'm going to ask my fellow steemians is what are you going to do about it? When I put my account juxtaposed with these spammers, I don't see any fairness. Different people value different things and I'm not going to some up with some universal guidelines. But there are some things that should be self-evident. Steemit should be about quality and not about copy/paste to get rich scheme.

I'm just a minnow on steemit who joined because of the awesome community and the quality of the content. After being around for 3 months, I started posting because I felt like contributing. But it seems at times, the contribution isn't as important as gaming the system for quick bucks.

That's just a few quick thoughts from me.


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