Thinking about a possible Steemit MeetUp this month in Las Vegas. Please share ideas and interest in comments / replies.
With the plans to go to Las Vegas with some crypto people and for @sirlunchthehost's V.O.T.U. Blockchain Documentary to be interviewed this brought the thought up of having some sort of crypto / steemit meetup some where in Las Vegas around the same time.
Which also has me wondering... What shall Virtualgrowth be and do in upcoming VOTU B.C. Documentary?

Initially looking for feedback from people interested and possible places. Probably meet somewhere to eat and decide accordingly as we figure out how many people and what ideas people are interested in. Also reached out to someone through a contact that knows someone in Las Vegas that helps organize meet ups in Las Vegas.
Thinking a trip downtown would be great to include so that we may check out the bitcoin atms and the few places that do accept bitcoin so we could demonstrate how someone could actually pay for part of their vacation in Las Vegas with bitcoin. Thinking that would be a good part to add to the documentary as a way to be able to get drinks, food, and a hotel room with bitcoin.
Bitcoin ATM Machines in Las Vegas

Las Vegas - Places to stay and eat with bitcoin, exotic car rentals, and live spray art
Look forward to a few days on activities including some interviews, podcasts, possible meetup, and joining @sirlunchthehost in some stuff around Las Vegas as we think things through. Have some ideas of my own but thought I would look for ideas from others for more ideas as well. Maybe get an idea of what kind of food people like and think of places to go to eat in regards to specific food ideas. We shall see what we come up with.
Please feel free to express your interest and/or ideas in a comment/reply. See how many people we may gather together for an informal casual get together. Thank you for your time, reply, feedback, and interest.