The most effective method to Get Maximum Reward On Steemit


The most effective method to Get Maximum Reward On Steemit

Heyy folks I simply completed couple of weeks on steemit and I was exceptionally inquisitive about How the prizes are appropriated on steemit and How would i be able to get the most extreme reward and here I made alot of research and Came to this conclusion


There are verious factors that influences ur curation and creator remunerate here sick clarify all of then let us begin


At the point when u remark on a specific post u get a curation compensate this reward relies on following variables

No of Votes Before You

chart that demonstrates to you how your reward is being affected by what number of individuals have voted before you. As should be obvious most of the curation rewards are guaranteed by the initial 5 caretakers!


So you're most likely intuition "gracious that is simple, i'll simply vote promptly after production". All things considered, that won't work on the grounds that there is a moment instrument called "turned around auction"Which additionally rely on change of guardian and creator compensate with the season of upvote set up to avoid this.......

Time in the wake of distributing the post

Well the most extreme measure of reward that a keeper can get is 25% and the base is 0% which shifts directly between 0-30 mins and afterward it stays consistent at 25% as appeared in the chart

Voting Power

Voting power is a complex matter......

It relies on your Steempower No issue how much steem control you have you can give a greatest upvote upto just 2% of your full SteemPower

Ones you have 500+ SP u can fluctuate the energy of ur upvote....Like if u give a 75% power vote that is 75% of 2% from real SP......SO it is really 1.5% of aggregate steem control client have


at the point when u give an upvote think of you as have 100% power at this moment and you give an upvote with full power so after the upvote you will be left with (98/100).You folks can track your present voting power on the site


Custodians before you have contributed 1000 STEEM POWER add up to

Just 1 custodian has voted before you

You have 1000 STEEM POWER

You voted when the substance had been distributed for 10 minutes

You voted at 100% weight

The aggregate reward pool for this post is $10.00

half of the reward pool has been contributed by you (1000 of the 2000 aggregate), you voted precisely at 1/third of the initial 30 minutes at 100% weight and you voted second (we should accept 40% as reward multiplier for that).

I will utilize the accompanying recipe to figure your curation remunerate: [total compensate pool] . 0.25 . [reversed-sell off multiplier] . [voting position multiplier]. Your prizes will be: $10.00 . 0.25 . 0.4. 0.33=$0.33. So in this particular case your curation remunerate is precisely 1/30th of the aggregate reward pool of $10.00.

Had you voted at 30 minutes or later and the other guardian came after you, you would have earned $1.50, which is 4.5 fold the amount! On the off chance that you were the primary voter at 30 minutes or later and no one voted after you, you would have earned $2.50, which is the most extreme 25% of the aggregate reward.

So for a Voter

So Ideal time for a voter to vote on a post is a confused issue yet I would state if u have alot of SP u should vote on around 30 mins to get most extreme guardian compensate on a post...And in the event that you are another client Then you should vote in the prior timeframe in the event that you realize that post will gain enough cash.

For an Author

Well creator cannot do much about it......

In any case, if u folks purchase vote from a bot at that point get it frm the bots which will vote before 30 mins with the goal that you can get most extreme creator reward and give away less keeper compensate .....You can Track the different bots and an opportunity to vote on

Well Guys That was everything u need to think about rewards.....I trust u folks loved my post if u do Then please Upvote Follow and Resteem..........Thank U :)

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