10 Reasons Why Steemit Is Better Than Facebook (Told In GIFs)

Steemit is an awesome place and so much better than Facebook for many reasons, but here are 10 of the best. If you like this, please share on Facebook! lol

10 Reasons Why Steemit Is Better Than Facebook

1. 55-year-old male Pakistani scammers can't create profiles like this...

2. Ads for male enhancement don't show up in my time-line

3. Very few duck faces on Steemit

4. Very few trolls on Steemit

5.  Steemit doesn't work with the CIA

6. Steemit doesn't use emoji's to tell people we're sorry their dog died

7. Very few Steemonians trust the media

8. My mom isn't on Steemit

9. No Candy Crush

10. You actually get paid for your thoughts on Steemit. It's magic.

(all gifs from www.giphy.com)

I hope you got a kick out of this. If you are not on Steemit, join now! If you are, please share with your cool non-Steemit friends to get them to join us on this awesome site.

If you laughed, resteem. Let me know in the comments why you like Steemit more than Facebook.

If you want to laugh more... check these out.

You all rock and I deeply appreciate each and every one of my followers. Thank you all for the on-going support. Steem On!

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