5 Tips To Writing Great Content On Steemit

Everyone always says that you have to write good content, but how? Here are five tips to writing great content on Steemit. 

1. Unique perspective

One of the most important aspects of writing good content is based around the uniqueness of the piece. It doesn't matter if you writing poetry or a blog on crypto, it needs to be unique. Think about the unique perspectives that you can provide and focus on writing from that point of view. 

We all have lived different lives and our perspective is by nature, unique. You as a Steemonian have to figure out how to use your unique perspective to craft the point of view for your blog. If you focus on you and your uniqueness and make an honest effort to display that perspective through your content, you will improve your posts.

2. Time saving information

If you want your content to be valuable, you need to add value. One of the very best ways to do this is to add some time saving information or tips. We all like shortcuts... if they work. If you can provide good tips and tricks to help save someone time or money, then you will likely succeed. 

Time is money and money is STEEM. If you can find ways to save people time in life or decrease the learning curve on Steemit, then you will find a lot more readers. If you can do that consistently, then you will find many repeat readers. If you want to give people tips on anything from travel to cooking, the tips that save time and money work the best. Like how to get into a car quickly.

3. Entertainment factor

There is a reason why Kevin Hart is worth so much money and why professors at universities make so little. It is because the human race puts a high value on entertainment. We, as a society, don't value learning as much. Think about that when you post. 

If you can provide a high entertainment factor, then you will likely find a lot of fans. There is a reason that on my blogs with tips and learning, I try to tie in funny gifs. I want people to be entertained in a way, while they learn. That is why I have something funny between each section or tip generally. It helps our minds focus I think, and it helps add to the entertainment factor. 

4. Source it/Screenshot it 

When you are writing a blog and making a point about something, link to your sources inside your story. This allows readers to verify what you are saying and adds validity to your point.  If you find a quote on Twitter, screenshot it and add to the post.

If you are discussing a tool for Steemit, take screenshots and add them to your how-to blog. Show each step and the reader will find that a lot more helpful than you just trying to explain something. One last thing, if you are talking about a video on YouTube, make sure you embed it so people can watch it if they are not familiar.

5. Valuable information

Beyond saving time and money, sometimes you can add lifesaving or life changing information.  If you are a fitness blogger and you are talking about exercises all day, you are adding life changing information and you can create a really great bond with your readers.

If you are writing a business blog, you could provide information that is life changing by teaching someone to make more money. If you can do these types of things, you will really see more people gravitate to your content and you will see some people really connect with you.

(all gifs from www.giphy.com)

Just remember, there is no easy road to Steemit success, but there are a few shortcuts. These are just a few.

What do you do to write great content? 

To my followers, you are the apple in my pie. You make me whole!

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