5 Wise Things Grandparents Say That Can Define Success On Steemit

Grandparents say the wisest things sometimes, and some of those pearls of wisdom apply directly to Steemit. Here are five things that grandparents say that can define success on Steemit.

Grandma said, "The grass is always greener over the sceptic tank."

Sometimes it is tempting to do what other people are doing if you see the grass is greener somewhere else, but that is crap. If you are not being honest and putting out the content that you enjoy, you won't be happy and just doing it for the money. That is not a winning Steemit mentality. Don't be fake... grow your own green grass.

Grandpa said, "You'll never leave where you are unless you decide where you'll rather be."

One of my favorite sayings. To me, it means you will be stuck in life until you decide you want something better. On Steemit, I see it slightly different. I love Steemit and I plan on staying for the long-run, but why would I decide to leave? If the rewards stopped or were minimal? If I plan on leaving if the rewards stop, then staying for the rewards was a poor decision. Stay for the reward of the community, you will find more value.

Grandma said, "You can tell a lot about a person's character by how they treat the waitress."

Switch "waitress" with "commenter". On Steemit, you can tell a lot about a person by the way they treat the people that respond to their posts. If they take the time to reply and engage, it means a lot. It means they value the interaction.  Remember, people are not just following you and voting for you because you write good stuff, they support you because you appreciate them. Respect each follower, voter and commenter and you will succeed.

Grandpa said, "Don't be a jerk and you'll be fine."

I loved when he used to say this. It is so simple and so true. On Stteemit, if you are just nice to people then you will see that go a long way.

Grandma said, "You don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything."

On Steemit this is very true. I've read posts that I totally disagree with, 100%. Instead, I just closed and moved on. I didn't up-vote, down-vote or reply about how that person is an idiot. I just moved on to something else. If you don't have something nice to say, just move on. Ignore the temptation.

(all gifs from www.giphy.com)

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it and can take something valuable to apply to your Steemit experience. 

Let me know what cool things your grandparents said that would apply to Steemit in the comments below.  

Thank you to all my followers, you mean the world to me. I appreciate each one of you.

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