Add This One Thing To All Your Posts And Watch Your Steemit Value Skyrocket

We are all trying to figure out how to make the most of what we post, but a lot are not adding this one thing. If you want to see your posts become more and more valuable you have to add this to your posts.

What is "this"?


That is right, if you want your posts to be more valuable then you have to add more value. 

What does that even mean? Well, it is simple. How many people want to waste their time on Steemit? Not many, we are here because we can make money posting what we want and reading and engaging with the content and people we like. We all read posts, but we don't pick ones that are boring or don't add value to our lives.

I'm not going to click on a post that says... "Eating bird poop can actually be good for you." Why am I not reading that? Because it doesn't add value to my life. I'm not going to eat bird poop no matter how bad the situation becomes.  Plus I don't want to see pictures of people eating bird poop.

I will read the post that says... "10 Crazy Ways To Survive During The Zombie Apocalypse."  Why? It sounds interesting, and outlandish. It has a high entertainment value and I could possibly learn something. A win, win. The thing is, the bird poop information could be one of the 10. And that is the trick with value...

Everything can have value if presented right. Everything you do or experience can add value to someone else. The trick is finding a way that you can present that valuable information in a way that other people will find value in it. 

You want to add as much value as possible. Good travel bloggers add value by not only showing you places you have never been, but by their recommendations.  Poets add value to their posts by inspiring or making their readers think. Inspiration is valuable. New ideas are valuable. Unique perspectives can be valuable.

The reason I know this to be true is years of marketing and writing. The reason I know value is how Steemit works is because it has worked for me. When I first got here, I tried telling people about the things I thought were cool and interesting and for the most part, people didn't care to much. 

Then I switched my focus and started talking about everything I was learning on Steemit. I added as many tips and strategies as I could to my posts. Then all of a sudden, I started getting more people engaged with me. It is because they found my posts more valuable. 

If you want to see your account with more value, then start focusing on adding value to your posts. Every reply should be valuable to the person you are replying to. Every post should be valuable to the people that are interested in the tags you add. 

Add value to see value. Got it? 

(all gifs from

I hope this helps. I really do. Thank you for reading and please reply with your thoughts in the comments below. I reply to all my comments.

To my followers... you all rock. I appreciate all the support. I means so much.

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