Being Successful On Steemit Is Like An Escape Room With Strangers

Have you ever been to an escape room with strangers and had sixty minutes to escape? It is just like Steemit if you think about it. What? You've never thought about it? Well, I have and here is what I mean.

First, if you don't know what an escape room is, then watch this video. Listen to how they explain how you succeed.

"Follow the clues... Solve the riddles... Find the keys... Escape the room in only 60 minutes."

When you are trying to escape, you have to engage with the strangers in your group. Work together to find a way out. Imagine being new here and trying to escape the minnow pond and become a whale. 

You have to follow the clues of other Steemonians who have gone before you. Solve the riddles of the rewards and how to express yourself on Steemit. You have to find the keys... THE WALKINGKEYS! lol, you found him! Just kidding, you have to find the keys to your success. Is it commenting? Blogging? What are the keys to your success?

There are a lot of great Steemonians who are veterans and have done well here. A simple upvote from one of them can change your entire day. They are the one's that have escaped the minnow pond and grown into sizable fish.

There are tons of us trying to reach that freedom. The ability to escape the shackles of other social media and have the ability to get paid to share what we think.


We have to work together. Figure this thing out. A great blogger can't be great if nobody reads their stuff. A great reader and commenter can't be great if they don't have creative and informative blogs to read.  

I'm not saying go out and start a follow me and I'll follow you back strategy, I'm saying lift up the people that are finding their voice on here and encourage them to continue. Help new people find the keys to success and you will find success.

Now that I am gaining some traction on Steemit, I feel it is important to give newer people the clues and keys to succeed in my posts.Working together is the only way we are going to escape the small fish pond and eat at the grown up table.

(all gifs from

We have everything we need right here to change our lives... we just have to figure it out... TOGETHER.

Thank you for reading my thoughts. I deeply appreciate your time. 

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