How I Am Going To Go To Disney World By Using Steemit (Creating A Content Strategy & Planning)

Here is how to create a content strategy on Steemit and how to plan to achieve a goal like paying for Disney World. My family loves Disney and we try to go every two years. This year I have decided to pay for my trip in February entirely with my earnings from Steemit.

First thing you have to do is gain some traction with your earnings. It took me a couple of weeks to start earning a few bucks a day. Once I saw the real potential I started coming up with my strategy to reach my goal. Here is what I did.

1. Start with the goal

My goal is generate at least $5000. I have seven months to reach my goal. 210 days to be exact. Now I know where I need to end up, the next step is figuring out where I am.

2. Establishing my current value

In order to figure out how much my average post makes, I used  I only look at the income for the next seven days. 

I start by looking at the post section at the bottom of the page.  See what it looks like below.

What I do is count the number of posts. 27

I divide the total amount made during the week by 27. (almost 4 a day)

$208/27 = $7.70

So on average, each post gained $7.70.

So my post value is $7.70. 

3.  Creating a strategy

Now that I know I can generate $7.70 a post and I have 210 days to reach my goal of $5,000. 

5,000/210 = $23.80 a day. 

After I figure out how much I have to make each day, I then divide that by how much I make per post. 

23.80/7.70 = 3.10 posts a day.

I need to post at least 3 times a day in order to reach my goal.

4. Figuring in growth

I hope after a month I am not still making $7 a post, but am not taking anything for granted.  After each month I will go back over the numbers to figure how much I am growing. If after a month, I can generate $14 a post, then it will cut my time in half.  

That means that I can either decrease the amount I am posting and still reach my goal or continue pushing and over achieve. lol, I think I'll go for the latter. 

5. What to post?

For me, I know what I want to post about. I like funny things and being helpful. I have decided to post at least one helpful blog a day and one funny blog each day.  Whenever I get an idea for a blog, I write it down. Sometimes when I write I will sit down and do a couple and post them throughout the day.  You will have to figure out what works for you.

If you don't want to post as much as me that is fine. Figure out what works for you and work towards your goal.

I hope this helps. This is how I am planning for my vacation to Disney. It also helps with the wife. She isn't as upset with the amount of time I spend online when I am paying for the trip with my efforts on Steemit. 

One thing that I did not calculate is the value of each post. The reason is I have little control over that. All money that I make from commenting and replying to other content is just a bonus in my mind. My goal is to average at least a buck or two a day. 

I really hope this helps you plan for success on Steemit and understanding your current value. I will update my journey every couple of weeks. 

Thank you for your attention. Now go set a goal, figure out your value and what you need to do to reach it. Then just do it. I believe in you.

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