Steemit Secrets 02: How To Mine Your Votes To Find Free Crypto

This is a true secret to success on Steemit. If done correctly, you will be able to see huge rewards. The first thing to remember when reading about any tips, secrets and tricks on Steemit is you have to put in the work to see the results. You can earn free crypto on this site and this is a great way to get more, but there is no quick way to achieve long-term success on here.  Remember that.

Now... to the secret of How To Mine Your Votes To Find Free Crypto.

Her are the steps to mine your votes and build great relationships with the people that are familiar with you and grow your support. All of these steps must be done with authenticity. Don't be fake and half-ass it. Be real and be grateful.

Step 1.  Go back to your top 5 posts. The ones that made you the most money and see who voted on it. If you don't know how to do it, click on the small dropdown arrow next to the number of votes on a blog.

Step 2. Click on the first person on that list. (The person with the most voting power will be at top)

Step 3. Make sure you follow that person. Go to their most recent post and read it. All of it.

Step 4. Upvote if it is good. If it is aweful, then make your own decision.

Step 5. Reply to the post and give a well thought out, complete reply. Really try to find a way to add insight to your reply. 

Step 6. Don't ask for anything. Don't ask for a follow or to read something. Just reply.

Step 7. At the end of your reply, say something like this... "By the way, you recently voted on one of my blog posts and I wanted to come and return the favor because I really appreciated it. Have a great day."  

Step 8. Go back and do the same thing for the next person on your vote list.

Step 9. Always check your replies to see if they commented back. Reply if they did and ask for nothing.

Step 10. Do this with one of your top voters daily. 

Got it?

Theory:  On your best posts, somebody probably voted more than you are used to. That person is familiar with your content and if you go back to their page and repay the favor by voting and commenting (because your vote is probably worth a couple cents at best) then you will start to build a relationship with that Steemonian. 

They will recognize you and your content and are more likely to engage in a very real and natural way. Over time, they could be a huge help to you growing on this site and it is all because you took the time to thank them and offer value in return.  It's about respecting their time to support you.

People appreciate effort. If you can show effort in gratitude, you will win.  

If you thought this was helpful, check out my first Steemit Secrets Post

Steemit Secrets 01: If You Want To Get A Whale's Attention Do This

And this one too...

The Last Steemit Tools Post You Will Ever Need To Read

(all gifs from

Thank you for taking the time to read and I hope you found value in this post. If you did, I am always grateful for any vote, follow or resteem. I really appreciate it. To my followers... you all are awesome. Love you all!

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