The Best Part About Steemit Is How Hard It Is To Grow When You Start

For Minnows and new Steemit users, starting from scratch is hard and possibly the best part about Steemit.  Let me explain.

When you first sign up on Steemit, you start with no followers, no content and no money. Well, maybe a fraction of Steem to help you get started, but really nothing substantial. You start at the bottom of Mount Everest with nothing more than your creativity and some boxer briefs to help you climb to the top.

You start looking around Steemit and see that @sweetsssj is making $2,000 with her travel blog and see @crypt0 making a grand talking about bitcoin. (two awesome people to follow) You see people making hundreds of dollars talking about food. You see poets making a few hundred dollars with each poem. 

A lot of people see all of this and think they are going to get rich and they post their own food blog and they make $.02. They keep trying and after five posts their highest earner is nine cents. They get discouraged and their sixth post is about how Steemit is a scam or complain that it is too top heavy and unfair how minnows don't get enough attention.

Guess what... That is the best part about Steemit. It isn't easy. 

Let's go back and look at @sweetsssj. The sweet looking innocent girl from China is a MONSTER. She is one of the hardest working people on Steemit. She started in August of 2016 and has posted over 6245 times. Her blogs are masterful. Well thought out, creative, funny tons of pictures and highly informative. She replies to almost every single comment and there is a reason she makes almost two grand a post. She is really good. She puts in the work and she doesn't take her followers for granted. She is what you should be striving to be like on this site.

Just two months ago she was making less than $100 per post and she was still delivering the same great content. 

I don't bring her up so I can get a nice up-vote from her, I do it so you can realize that hard work and good content can pay off but it won't be immediately.  I bring up @sweetsssj for you!!! Because this isn't easy. Making money on Steemit is simple if you want pennies, but if you want dollars, then you have to put in the work.

The best part about Steemit is how hard it is to make good money on here. The challenge itself filters out the people that are here to make money quick and those that are here to contribute to the community.  It isn't easy to be successful on Steemit and that is what truly makes it different.

Plus the reward system minimizes Trolls so it makes it easier to have open discussions and be creative and personal.

If you want to make quick money, then go somewhere else. This isn't the place. If you expect rewards and don't want to put in work, then go somewhere else. This isn't the place for you. Steemit can be a lot of things to a lot of people, but if you are one of those two people, find something else.

For me, I've been on here almost three weeks and I can tell you that if you want to make good money, it is 100% about the work. I'm making a few bucks a blog now, but I have over 1100 posts. I put in the work, and try to provide great content.


We are still in Beta. The reason that @sweetssj is making so much money now is that she built up a really strong following before the big rush of June 2017. Her value skyrocketed. 

What does that mean for you? Soon there will be another big rush on the site. Maybe in August or September, but whenever it happens the people like me and those making a few bucks but have 500-1000 followers will all of a sudden see their value skyrocket. Just like @sweetssj did in June.

It means that if you put in the work, there will come a time your Steemit value will jump significantly. Not to mention, if the value of STEEM gets closer to $5 by the end of the year. 


Put in the work, grow your base and use people like @sweetssj as an example of how to do awesome content. If you focus on the community and not the rewards, when the community grows, so will your rewards. (all gifs from


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