The Best Way To Invite People To Steemit

To those of us that love this amazing platform, we want to share it with the world. I've learned what I think is the best way to invite people to share in the Steemit experience.  I've told a lot of people about Steemit, and this is turning into the best way to get the people I think will be good Steemonians here.

Step 1: Don't just post on your Facebook page and invite everyone, treat it like something special. Call or text your closest friends that you think would enjoy it. Private message people in your network. Make it seem like the special thing that it is. Tell them it is in beta and we're looking for good people.

Step 2: Introduce Steemit by focusing on the freedom to post whatever you want and the endless amount of interesting content. Talk about some of the things you've seen on here and what you have learned. Learning is one of the coolest byproducts of using Steemit.

Step 3: After you tell them why you like posting, tell them about the awesome Steemit community. Explain that there are really cool, interesting people and almost no trolls. If they ask why, say it is because trolls get down-voted almost instantly. Explain how many people are here from all over the world and some of the people you have met.

Step 4: Once you have them hooked with the freedom and the community now it is time to talk about the rewards. Bring it up last. Don't make the focus of the conversation about how they can make money. Focus instead on the other incredible aspects. Sell them on the freedom and community and they will come with the right attitude and not to expect to make thousands. 

It takes hard work and people that enjoy the process of blogging and responding to be successful. It isn't for everybody and we don't just want anybody here. Pick the people you want and if you can sell them on the community and freedom then the rewards are just the bonus to push them over the edge. 

I hope this helps. If you try it out, let me know. I would love to see if it works for you. 

If you have any other tips, let me know in the comments below. 

To all my followers, I really appreciate every interaction. You all make my days.

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