The Dark Side Of Steemit And The Importance Perception

With all the new growth on Steemit in the last 50 days, a dark side of Steemit is growing and it can't be helped. 

When new people hear about Steemit it is on the back of the largest bump in crypto history and they are probably being told they can make a lot of money just blogging.  When people come with the attitude that they are going to get rich, and get rich quick, they will be disappointed.  

Regardless of what you have been told, it still takes skill and hard work to grow and make money on Steemit.  There is a dark side growing that is full of people that are mad that whales don't look at their stuff and complain that they are not getting views. 

Most of these people are not putting in the work or just don't have the skill. The biggest problem is also one that we are seeing in our society right now, and that is some people don't understand how the world works. You can't just do stuff and expect to get paid. You can't just open a restaurant and expect to make money. It takes strategy. It takes skill and it takes hard work. 

The same can be said on Steemit. Just because you write a long blog, doesn't mean that you should get paid. It means you wrote a long blog. Only when people see value in it will you start to make money.  The more skill you have in writing and designing your strategy to get people to look at your work then the better chance you have to succeed.  

When you are focused so much on what you get out of Steemit, you won't be successful here. Only when you focus on what value you can provide the Steemit community will you start to be successful. The rewards should be an after thought. Each blog you should be proud of, regardless of how much you make. It takes time, effort and skill.

There is a dark side growing and it is full of people upset that Steemit didn't work for them. Well you know what, the truth is, they didn't work for Steemit and they are not alone. For example.


Grant Cardone is a badass. He is smart and he hustles his ass off to make his money. He teaches people how to sell and is great at what he does. He has a huge presence on social media and when he came to Steemit he thought he was going to dominate. Well, the same thing happened to him... I guarantee it.

His perception of Steemit wasn't realistic. He didn't realize that this isn't like most social media, here you actually have to interact with people one on one and provide unique content to this platform. It isn't something you can get one of your interns to do.  That is why he hasn't posted here in a week. I love Grant Cardone, and still watch his YouTube stuff, but not on Steemit. He doesn't value the platform, he is just trying to profit from it and it is evident to the real Steemonians. I hope he makes an effort one day.

The point is, you can't expect to get rich and you definitely can't expect to do it quickly. You have to keep your focus on adding value to Steemit and its users. When you focus on adding value, then you will start to become more valuable. If your focus is on making yourself money, then you are missing out on the best part of Steemit. The community. Don't join the dark side. Be a force for the light.

Blog inspired by Yoda -

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