A look at Steemit Communities, aka "Subreddits"

Hey Steemians, how are you doing?

If you are like me an investor in the Steem-Blockchain you are maybe interested in the development that is ongoing with the main website of the Steem-Blockchain: Steemit.com

Unfortunately: The Steemit-Devs are very silent when it comes to development-updates, which is really sad. In my opinion, there has to be an update on the development of the platform AT LEAST once a week to keep us all informed. There are dev-teams of other blockchains out there, that post an update nearly every day. Thats maybe a bit too much but once a week would be more than adequate.

With that being said, I want to take their part for now and give you a look on a well-anticipated new feature on Steemit, called Communities:

Like Steemit.com is comparable to the famous Reddit.com , Communities are Steemits take on Subreddits. At the moment it is really hard, especially for people with low Steempower, to be noticed at all. They get buried in the NEW section where every new post shows up. Overall, the Tag-System which Steemit uses at the moment is very unconvenient and just not good. Thats where Communities will step in: Communities will be a place to post about a certain topic. Users can subscribe to these communities or create them theirself.

Lets first have a look on how the community setup-process will look like:

I. Profile information:


As you can see, you will be able to choose your community-name, your URL and the about-text of your community. Nothing special.

II. Content Settings for your community


Here you will be able to choose who can create posts in your Community: Everbody or just approved people. Moreover you can choose who can comment on these post, the language of the community and if its a NSFW-community.

III. Management team


On this screen you will be able to choose what kind of permissions everyone in your community has.

IV. Review and pay for your community


On the last screen you will be able to review your community settings and finally create the community. As you can see, there is a one-time fee for creating a community. I guess thats for preventing spam.

Now that we have seen how a community will be created, lets have a look on how communities will look like:


As you can see, on the post-screen you will now be able to see where your post will be published. On your own blog or in a Steemit-community.

Last thing to say here: This is all subject to change! These are all just mockups which I took from the official Steemit-Github: https://github.com/steemit

From my point of view, the development of the communities is still in the early stages. I guess it will take some more months to see them live. But it is definitely something to be excited about!

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