My Steemit Account: Where I'm At With Bots, Self-Votes And Multiple Accounts

Hey everyone,

So I would like to do a post about my steemit page before I continue posting. To all new users, people that found me from outside of the site and experienced users, hey :). This post is to give an honest account about my posts and my page as being truthful is something that is important to me. Steemit is a bit of a mix of a game and a social media. Now although this comes with a lot of benefits, it can lead to situations where people behave one way and others, who think the site is another way, will see it differently. Some people will try to win at the game and others will see it as gaming the system. I have no intention of gaming the system but if you don't play by the rules then you will be left at a disadvantage to the other players. There is no right and wrong when it comes to how you play a game as long as everyone plays by the same rules and they are well-known to everyone. So here is where where I stand with bots, self-votes and multiple accounts

The first topic is bots. On steemit there are apps that you can use to auto-upvote people's accounts. I have no problem with bots and use them myself. They are allowed by steemit and are a useful tool. Maybe the site would be better if no one used them but right now they are a common aspect of the site and not using or getting benefits from people who use them would make the site harder to use. If there is a consensus to stop botting and if it is harming the site I will shut them off immediately. 

The next topic is self-voting. I think everyone on this sites upvotes their own posts and again, it is something okay with the site. There is a worry that if everyone upvoted themselves and no one else then the system wouldn't work. However I doubt that is something that will happen, most users (especially new ones) just use the site as they would any other social media site. They see something they like and they upvote it. I know I don't want to figure out the optimal voting stragety, I just want to use the site and make money from my work.  

The last topic is multiple accounts. I only vote for myself with this account only, but I do know that I'm getting auto-upvoted by at least one user with a few accounts. I'm not criticizing anyone, and there is nothing in the terms about having multiple accounts, I just want people to be aware of why my upvote numbers are what they are. Although I do appreciate the support, if you are a user auto-upvoting me, can you please only upvote me with one account. And I know in the new hardfork they will allow users to combine their SP into one account so that should fix that problem.

Also I run a group called #contentmakers, we are users who are psoting original work who are auto-upvoting each other to make the site easier to use. Like everyone else if the group becomes detrimental to the site or the rules change that groups are not allowed, I will disband the group. 

That's everything, let me know what you think in the comments. I plan on being a contributing member to this site and I feel it can be a way to make a good income, maybe even as a full-time job. My rep and current SP are in part because of these bots, multiple accounts and everything so Iwant that made known. I, like the site, are working to get to the point to a fully-functioning, honest place and this will mean making mistakes along the way. 



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