151 Followers, 5 weeks, A few Tokens - Is SteemIt Ready For the MainStreem?

Fellow Steemians,

I have been here for about 5 weeks.  My account has been growing very slowly.  I am following the advice of successful Dolphins.  I came here for the block chain and freedom and soon realized, since I signed in with my Facebook account it really wasn't anonymous.  This has been a recent discussion, so I won't get into it other than to say, I wanted a place I could speak out on some issues with out hurting my real-life reputation, impact my business, etc.  

I am posting daily, reading articles, voting (too much)  and making some friends.  My most successful posts have been  about photography and art, and a few regarding SteemIt.  I have participated in some of the negative conversations.  Not from a point of view of scam, but the question can real people come here and blog and make some money?  When I say real people, I mean people who don't know any of the whales, who don't have a semi-famous blog, and who aren't aspiring Authors or Programmers.

At the time of this writing I have invited two people to this site, one has a semi-famous blog, and the other my sister.  Both had trouble signing up, and I haven't been able to find them much help.

My feeling is that SteemIt isn't ready for the average mainstreem (meant the misspelling)  users  - yet.  

Why Not?  

Not enough diversity in topics yet.  (We are working on it)  Just go look at the Trending Page if you think I am wrong.

No, support or help desk.  (This is something I am willing to take on if I had some help, I currently have the time)

User platform - Ability to easily upload pictures and videos, and more formatting options for those who are not users of HTML.

Whales, Bots and Auto-Voting - Although I agree it is a free platform and thus will have bots, etc.  I don't think a lot of mainstreem users will understand and appreciate how that is a part of what SteemIt will be about.

Here is how the site has worked out for me so far.  I do want to acknowledge, with the help of my fellow minnows there is an upward trend on my account, and also I have made some mistakes.  

Performance Indicators:

Followers - 151

Reputation - 55

Posts - 859

SP - 280.8

Account Value - $128.36 (according to my wallet)

*Favorite Whale - @Smooth

*Favorite Minnow - @runridefly

*mistakes - getting involved in some tough conversations.  (I would probably do it again)  Wasted money on Promotion.  (shouldn't have done it)

**@smooth is my favorite whale because he/she is always out there talking with the users. He is direct and blunt, although  I don't always agree with him I think he tells the truth as he sees it.  He helped me to see how he views blockchain and the Steem economy.  Although his view maybe clouded by his whaleness, he is honest and blunt.
*My favorite Minnow - @runridefly  This minnow works hard on SteemIt, posts original drawings, is friendly, supportive and on track to become a big fish.

Follow - Or Not  -  It's a Free, errr - Decentralized block chain. 

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