Thinking outside the box concerning post design...


Howdy all of y'all,

  • BTW, that's plural for y'all
    • yes, I am a bit of a redneck geek from rural, central USA 😜

I'm not going to teach you everything there is to know about Markdown or HTML formatting.

  • I'm mainly focusing on 2 jabis for you.
    1. Use headers to divide your post into sections
    2. Use bullet lists with short sentences, instead of long paragraphs.

Sorry, some of you are scratching your head wondering WTH is a jabi?

  • jabi = Just Another Bright Idea
    • pronounced jab eye


WizarDave here.

  • I've been webmastering since about '95 when I first found the Internet.
    • I made a full time living from the Internet for about 5 years
      • and then it became just another hobby of mine...
  • I've written literally thousands of pages of content over the years.
    • Millions of people around the world have seen my content.
      • 1 year alone, I averaged 5,000+ unique pageviews a day.
    • 5000 * 365 = 1,825,000
  • I know, seemed like I was bragging, so thought I'd best throw some proof your way...


I've created my own, unique style of content

  • based on things I learned back in the day...
    • Help the reader follow you
      • Use several headings, so when they finish reading your post,
        and want to go back up to reread a section
        it's easy to find the different sections...
  • Use "lists" of short sentences, instead of long paragraphs.
    • When, I first was learning HTML and web site design,
      most people wrote like they were writing for a book.
      It took work to read through paragraph after paragraph of information.
      • It took even more work to go back to reread a section.
        It was hard to find...


How to make headings.
Use the pound sign followed by a space and then your heading text.


This is 1 pound sign...

2 pound signs...

3 pound signs...

You can go all the way to 6 pound signs,

  • but back in the day, we never did anything smaller than 3.

How to use bullet lists
Type a plus sign + then a space then your text.
Indent by typing 2 spaces then the + then your text
Indent more by typing 4, 6, 8 or more spaces, then the + then your text.


  • This is + then a space then the text
    • This is 2 spaces, then + then a space then the text
      • This is 4 spaces, then + then a space then the text
    • You can even bring it back in
  • Like I did above. Did you notice it before?

Be creative with your indentations.

  • I think of them as sub-sections.
    • I use as many indented lines as I need
  • and the next sub-section goes all the way back to the left
    • Meaning I start typing with a plus sign, with no spaces before it...

NOTE: To get out of the bullet lists, you must include a blank line.

  • Here's a bullet. Then I hit return
    and I'm typing down here.
    • Do you see how that second line is still in line with the first line? Then I hit return
      and start typing the next line.
      • Did that make it a bit more obvious how it aligns vertically with the one above?

Now, I've hit return twice, so there is a blank line before this one.

  • And ... voila!... It went all the way back to the left margin.

Alternative way to create bullet lists
You can use emoji's
➪ This arrow is ➪
➪ Copy and paste that
➪ then a space
➪ then your text

✔ Check marks are pretty good for this ✔
🙂 Smilies can be good 🙂
🎶 Writing about music? 🎶 might be good for you

See @blueorgy's Steemit Emojis Master List
NOTE: They do look different on my Windows machine, Linux machine and smartphone.


I hope I've primed your creative pump with this short tutorial.

  • If you kind of like the jabi
    • feel free to experiment with it
  • I look forward to reading more posts with:
    1. obvious sections
    2. bullet lists

The goal is optimized readability...

p.s. I'm throwing in a BONUS jabi!
😎 You might have noticed something I do without even thinking about it
😎 When I'm done with a topic or section or sub-section
😎 I end with ...

God Bless,



3 columns
2 columns
1 column