Is Steemit Run Like a Third World Country?

I've been traveling around the world for ten plus years. I know a third world country when I see one. I think I just found the equivalent of that online here on steemit. The primary characteristics of a third world country is that there is very little or almost no middle class.

And that's what you have here on steemit. You have a very few number of true dolphins and whales compared to all the pond scum and minnows out there. Even the accounts that have started then gone un-active. Maybe we can even look at those as the homeless and unemployed. 

In a healthy first world economy, everyone gets to eat. Everyone gets a piece of the pie. You get paid for what you do. A lot of good authors on here get paid on average next to nothing for their time. Yeah you might get a pop and one out of ten articles brings in 50 bucks and now your total work per hour goes up from 30 cents to a dollar. Congratulations.

Just like in any third world country you have all the money and power centered in a few hands. Everyone else is a peasant, pining away, trying to get noticed by someone with a little pull. Like how I recall the two dozen shoe shine boys in the capital park in Ho Chi Min City all running up to me begging to shine my shoes for a quarter. It's not fun being on either side of that deal. When there's only one guy with a quarter and one pair of shoes to be shined the other 23 shine boys go hungry that night.

If you're thinking you're in like Flin cause you had a post or two pop. Just remember even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while. 

Here's a photo I took in Colombia to go with this post so maybe an extra person or two will click on it.

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