We are all a part of a major evolutionary experiment and it is absolutely brilliant!!!

While I was writing my post last night regarding my views of the blockchain, I started to recognize patterns within the blockchain that I did not see before.  Some of these patterns I've been watching for nearly a year, while others I saw for the first time last night.  In order to explain these patterns, a brief history lesson is in order.  

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. - George Santayana (1863 – 1952)

In 9th century Europe, feudalism took root when the poor surrendered their land, services and resources to the king in exchange for protection, benefits and privileges within his kingdom.  The poor did this out of the idea that the king could protect them from the roaming gangs of thugs that loved to rape and pillage the country side.  This centralization of resources, power and authority triggered a series of events that lead to the modern global elite working hard to establish their one world government.  

The poor may not have realized just how much power and influence they have, because they are not as rich as the king.  It is a major mistake to compare oneself to the richest man in the country.  However, the poor out number the king a million to one.  While people have always looked up to those who are rich, surrendering ourselves to the rich is a monumental mistake.  How easy is it to be influence by people with money?  Apparently very easy!

As a result, kings now have even more resources to wage war and they are not afraid to do just that.  On top of the resources, they also have millions of soldiers to die in those battles.  Back in the day, the king would fight too, but that is no longer the case today.  So now the serfs make the ultimate sacrifice for king and country.

Here on this block chain we have a few kings.  People call them whales and orcas, but essentially their wealth attracts everyone to their cause.  The vast majority of the kings on this platform are actually interested in breaking that cycle and they focus their influence on bringing wealth, influence and stability to all users on the blockchain.  They delegate their wealth to others to help facilitate that transfer of wealth and the idea is working brilliantly.

In September 2017, the Whales on this blockchain controlled 77.9% of the influence and as such were responsible for the VAST MAJORITY of the reward pool and had significant influence on the blockchain.  A few days ago those same whales now control 54.77% of the blockchain.  That is a significant drop in their control and influence.  I applaud this group of insightful individuals for recognizing that if we want a healthy blockchain, then we need to support and encourage ALL users, not just the uber rich.  

But old habits die hard

There are still some kings on this platform that want to engage in war.  What do they do?  Attack other kings but they also attack the poor.  As a result, the poor scramble to the kings for protection and before you can say hocus pocus, we have feudal empires starting to build on the blockchain.  This is an extremely dangerous precedent to set and can destabilize the blockchain and introduce tyranny as well.  

If the poor continue to support the kings who are at war, then I will predict that the blockchain will move towards a centralized tyrannical consolidation of power and control.  We must resist that historical tendency with knowledge, awareness, peace, freedom, anarchy and spiritual fortitude.  This requires that we be consciously aware of our own individual actions and behaviours to ensure that we don't participate in the consolidation of wealth into the hands of a few individuals.  

I have no issues with delegations flowing from the rich to the poor.  That flow is healthy and ensures that the influence of the rich is distributed throughout a large ecosystem within the blockchain.  It is this very behaviour that resulted in a huge growth among the red fish, minnows and dolphins.  Where my hair stands up on end is when I witness poor people delegating and supporting a few rich people out of fear of being bullied or to rally around a cause.

It astounds me how easily people can be influenced to rally behind a cause, especially when the king speaks of righteousness and doing it for the protection of all.  When in reality, it causes great conflict and results in the centralization of power and authority in the hands of a few.  

The kings are not the only ones to be confronted here.  All the poor people who willfully surrender their wealth, power and authority to those kings or participate in the wars directly are to be confronted as well.  Part of the process within this blockchain is to figure out how we are going to govern ourselves through a model of anarchy.  The vast majority of the people are working it out, although some steps are painful.  Those that desire centralization, authority and claim the moral high ground to pass judgements over others are here to teach us the difference and we must not fall for their visions and snake oil.  

To survive during this powerful transition, each and every single one of us must find a way to govern ourselves and trust that our own interests will be taken care of by the generosity of others.  The amount of steem power one has should not influence this learning process.  Tribes will form where groups of people gather together to help one another.  That is normal and healthy when that tribe focuses on helping others to grow stronger, through support, encouragement and peace.  I've participated in a few tribes and when the tribe declared war, I left out of principle, as my spiritual ethics and morality does not permit me to engage with that type of energy.

I had to laugh last night as I realized what was unfolding.  How cool is it to be a witness to these changes.  I am honoured to be a witness and being able to document and comment on these changes as they unfold.  This is the perfect platform to allow a mass group of people the opportunity to figure out how this new model of anarchy will work.  The wars are a part of that learning process.  If we can learn from this, heal ourselves, acknowledge our participation in it and make changes to get back on track, I foresee this blockchain being the template that billions of people will use to make changes in their own countries and regions around the world.  


I, Dfrg.msc [CC BY-SA 3.0]

How does it feel to be on the bleeding edge of social processes that help facilitate a non-violent evolution of consciousness?  I feel very excited now that I'm starting to realize just how powerful and important this whole process actually is.  Last night I felt sadness, today I am over the moon excited!!!  

This is actually brilliant and I give gratitude to Creator for bringing thousands upon thousands of people together to manifest this model for social change.  

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