1K Milestone reached!



Yes....Yes....Yes....Finally I have reached the 1K milestone.

When I started with Steemit I set 3 goals for myself.

  • Become a Dolphin
  • Gain 1000 Followers
  • Get a 60 Rep



The funny thing is that I figured that the order in which I would reach these goals is exactly the opposite of how it’s going down.

Getting a Rep of 60 seemed the easiest goal to achieve followed by the 1000 followers milestone. Becoming a Dolphin in my mind would be the hardest thing to pull off.

But Guess what! First I became a Dolphin and now I have over 1000 followers. 2 goals down and still one to go!

But in the meantime it is party time! Yeah baby!

First off, I want to thank all those who follow me on Steemit and take the time to read and comment on my posts.
On my journey through the Steemit universe I have met a lot of interesting and talented Steemians. I have been part of and joined a number of interesting projects.

I know a lot of people say this but…...Steemit has changed my life for the better. The ability to express myself through my posts, whether it is sharing my opinion, things I learned or just babbling about random stuff has had a profound impact on me.
Also the fact to meet such a dedicated and friendly community like the one on Steem has made me have a more positive way of looking at the world.

Posting on Steemit has made me more confident and creative in ways I didn’t deem possible.




On my way home from work I was blasting Cupid’s “I love me” and that is exactly how I am feeling now. Yup feeling good about myself for accomplishing something great. Not only that it is also the way that I accomplished it. All the hard work paid off and that is something to be proud of.

But it is unfair to say that I did it all by myself, nope….that’s not how Steemit works.

From the moment I joined Steemit I was welcomed with open arms, got nice comments, helpful tips and sincere feedback. This helped me grow on a platform that can sometimes be overwhelming.

There are a lot of great Steemians that helped me get my bearings.

@scrooger, your tutorials and tips really helped me improving the layouts of my posts. You are someone who is always ready to help out a fellow Steemian. The Qurator project is more proof of the fact that you are a great asset to this community.

@flauwy, overall good guy and an example of what you can achieve if you put your heart into it.

@enginewitty, Thank you for letting me be part of #thealliance, the positive attitude and love of this family never ceases to amaze me.

@juliank, I will never forget that you chose me to be one of your content creators. It was an honor and the experience really showed me what I could do if I just tried and worked hard.

@clumsysilverdad, my man thank you for all the encouraging comments and support you have shown.

If I haven’t mentioned you don’t worry I haven’t forgotten about you, my thanks is for all those that I met here. And of course a shoutout to all the members of @make-a-whale, @qurator, #thealliance and #syndicates.




So what’s next you might ask? Well, first of all I am still chasing that 60 Rep. After that who knows? All I know is that I am having a great time and I am feeling……….........














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