Quality vs Quantity on Steemit

What is more important, Quality or Quantity? The reality is that we have to sacrifice one for the other. But these are not the only things we have to take into account in our efforts to create.


Time, Money and Quality

Time, money and quality are 3 things that have an interesting relation with one another. You can't have all three when trying to create something. When you want to do something fast and of high quality it will cost you more money. If you want to create something fast but for little money it will be of low quality. If you want to create quality but at low cost it will take you a lot of time to achieve.
These simple rules apply to a lot of things in life. To achieve your goals you will have to balance time, money and quality.
Most of the time people choose 2 of the elements and accept that the third will not be fully achieved. For example when my TV broke and I needed to replace it fast (and at low cost), I accepted the fact that my new TV might be of lesser quality. If I would have taken my time to research and save for a bigger budget, I would have been able to buy a better quality TV.




Having a large quantity of something often diminishes the quality. The phrase too much of a good thing comes to mind. It is often not only the possession itself that lowers in quality but the pleasure you get out of it.
The rarity of an object makes it more valuable. If diamonds for example were as common as a rock would they have the same value?
The same goes for when we are creating something. When we produce in large quantities the value for each creation lowers. Items from mass production have less value than handcrafted objects.
We value handcrafted objects more because they have been made with more attention to detail, love and quality.



The bottom line

When you are creating, writing, posting, what are you going for, quality or quantity? Are you mass producing or handcrafting your posts?
Determine your goals and accept the possible outcome. If you want quality and money than it is important that you take your time. Research and preparation, these are the keys to producing quality. If you want to do something fast than accept that it will be of lesser quality and you will receive less money.

Take your time and enjoy yourself in creating something of high quality, even if others don't see it for what it is. The most important thing is how your feel about what you have accomplished.

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