The Art Of Resteeming



Getting as much people as possible to view your post is one of the most important things on Steemit. The more people can see your post the bigger the chance that it will trend.


One of the tools to get some extra exposure for your post is with the resteem function.

How does it work?

When you submit a post this will appear in your follower’s post and also for a brief period of time on the “new” page. But if someone resteems your post then your post will also be visible in the resteemer’s followers feeds granting your post extra exposure.


There are a couple of reasons why it is recommended to resteem posts.

Share info

Resteeming is a great way to share info with your followers. For example if you happen to come across important news, you can resteem the post with the purpose of sharing the news with your followers. If the post is important enough it will start a chain reaction making sure that all Steemians will get notified.

Support your fellow Steemians

A great way for you to support Steemians who have just started out is to resteem their posts. Chances are that you have far more followers than the author of the post you are resteeming (if they are new to the platform). It’s just a great way of saying...Hey fellow Steemian, I really like what you are doing.
By resteeming other Steemian’s post you are actively promoting their posts.

Promote quality content

When you happen to stumble upon a gem of a post you can of course upvote it and leave a compliment to show your appreciation but in addition you can also resteem the post. By sharing and promoting quality content you are helping the platform and the author who made the post.

Benefits for you

There are a lot of benefits to resteeming not only for the author’s post you are resteeming but for you too. The biggest plus is that when you fill your feed with worthwhile content other Steemians will be more inclined to follow you. Even if you can write like it's nobody's business it doesn’t hurt to have some quality content from other Steemians in your feed also.


Things I would like to see

There is one thing though that I would like to see added to the resteem function and that is an option to comment when you resteem. This way you can let everyone know why you are resteeming the post

What are your thoughts on resteeming? let me know in the comment section.












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