A suggestion to steemit: Show pageviews to every post ~~~~ 给steemit 的一个建议:为每篇文章增加pv指标

I found steemit is missing an important feature from the beginning.

Each post on steemit has three indicators, the amount of reward, votes counter, and reply counter.
These three indicators are very helpful, of course.
Authors should focus on these three numbers to improve their posts.
But the most commonly used indicator, pageview is simply ignored on steemit!!!

Why not show pageviews to the public?
Authors & readers are very concerned about how many times the posts have been read.

Recently, I was writing a long novel, Death of A Virgin.
I'm very curious about how many people are reading my novel, where do they come from?
But now, I have no idea of at all. What a pitty!

Take the top posts on steemit homepage as another example.
They're earning thousands of dollars as reward.
If there are pageviews of every successful posts, everybody'll have a better understanding what kind of topics are more attracitve. We can't decide how much a post will earn because the big whales may not upvote. But We can decide to contribute popular posts with more readers.

@dantheman @smooth @ben @dan @ned
So I want to invite the development team to consider the feature of showing pageviews to every posts.
Big whales please help me to make this proposal known.

Buddies, support or not, please leave your comments. Thank you!






@abit @laonie @xiaohui @myfirst


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