Brutal Illustrations about Centralisation - Steemit may be a way out of slavery

Our society is flawed - dependent on technology, taxation, obesity, the devaluation of workers, this is not a secret - to name a few. Some people may not even want to think about any of these problems, but the illustrator John Holocraft on the other hand looked these issues directly at the eyes, and found impactful ways to describe them.
With 50 years of advertising and retro style art experience, Holocraft perfectly captures today's social problems and modern behavior in his illustrations and does it in a brutal and honest way. I will show some of these images with my own commentary on each of them. I invite you to give your spin on each of these.

There are very few that does not know that the production of disposable plastic is destroying the planet. Yet companies continue to do so as they feel the pressure to appease the governments and pay their taxes so they can keep making their fortunes. Finding more environmentally friendly ways to do things is often beyond what they can afford, or at least they tell themselves that.


I am not a Trump hater, but this does illustrate very well how the ones in control value profit more than the planet. They know, but simply does not give a shit.


Are there really many that still do not realise that the medical field is chasing money and not your health? Look at the suppression of cures to diseases that will hinder the profits of the medical industry...


Many of us who are stuck in jobs may wish to do things better. But orders from above and beyond transpire into often very fucked up results on the frontline. Look at how cops behave for example. As an educator this one really hurts me :(


This is a reality that is not just for the young people. How many of us take a lot of crappy shit and treat it like gospel these days?


It shocks me that even the few at the top like the reserve bangsters care so little for the planet. I mean... they still have to live here, and so do their children. Most of us know that the ONES IN CHARGE do not give a fuck about people. But the planet?


How many people now have surrendered to just relaxing their mind and have this habit rooted deeply into their lives...


When we are forced to pay for life forces like WATER and POWER we are going to be bent over and screwed. We have no choice in most cases. Will be be charged for oxygen one day if the powerful stay powerful?


I see this, and I see a lot of resistance in real life. Can someone offer me a personal story on this one?


As an educator this one devastates me. I need my job, and I do justice to the kids. Yet there is so much shit they do not need, and so much of what they need they do not have access to. Many kids have chosen not to think at all.


Some have what it takes to avoid process foods. But most are not in that position. Profit comes first to the food giants. It needs to be cheap, addictive, and pretty. And did you know that George Bush Senior approved the use of aspartame in diet coke as soon as he learned that it slows down peoples brains....


Many of us a roped into using what's left of your tiny wallets to buy happiness through expensive and useless objects. Our money is no object to the manufacturers and retailers


Well meaning and shit scared parents trying to do the best for their kids in this devolving world are often doing more damage than good.


People are disposable in the name of profit. We are all just a number to them....


In many cases now, young females are sexual objects in the minds of many, this is unfortunate and the resistance to this fucks up the social balance as much as the sources behaviour. It is just a lack of respect.


Cheap mass produced toys that are attractive raise revenue. And it preprograms us fro the earliest days to see warfare as being the norm.


We are made to believe we cannot live without these. Then we are chained and often for life and are at their mercy.


The reserve banks are pigs, and governments and politicians are suckling off them.


Once upon a time love was love. Now so many people a weary of vested interests. Times have become more desperate as mife is drained from us from above.


Whatever happened to books, newspapers and magazines?


Liberty was never actually real.


Many have given up from a young age. This may be replaced by far worse things as this young man grows up.


Too many people are motivated to keep going for the fear of this happening.


Pressure to live has pushed morals aside and has lead to many many immoral habits today.


lol... even the the leader of a major country depends on this.


Renting or paying a mortgage... it is not coming back to us in a way we can use and improve our lives now.


To make it today, kindness and morals seems not to be part of the ingredient.


Keep kicking and get nowhere. Know that feeling? Even minnows here talk about this all too often as the ones that are powerful get to call the shots by default.




Money makes lies and shit talk more forgivable these days.


People who does not have to go through this care very little about what happens to these people once we put them there.


Growing up....




Things we get told that are hurtful and belittling can bind us for life.


Many of us have a spark within us. But we cannot use it in where we must go each day.


We are all just part of a game to the bangsters.


Great ideas are abundant, but you can only hear it from those privileged to speak most of the time. Tried posting a good post to get a good response anyone? ;)


Many cannot afford to spend time with family anymore. Soon it will be sleep as well. And this has happened to many already. I for one spent a couple of years with 4 hour sleeps each night. And yes it was necessary to free myself from some debts that I had nothing to show for.


There is nothing that BIG BROTHER cannot see.


Our opinions does not actually matter to them. It is a scam.


In the name of profit and taxes.

Please leave a comment below as I am intrigued to hear from you. Seems negative, but these truths are brutal.

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