Introducing @yourhelper

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Hey! I'm your @yourhelper, have you exhausted all ideas on how to make your articles noticed? Do you consider your post good and undervalued enough to attract @yourhelper? Frustrated over making so little after researching and posting a great content? Don't quit yet, I'm very helpful! I can give you the exposure you desperately need in exchange for quality content!!!.

@yourhelper will be sniffing around for top quality contents that are greatly undervalued. @yourhelper will be doing this for the sole purpose of upvoting and uplifting genuine and talented community members whose contents are not well remunerated.

If you consider any of your post worthy of @yourhelper's attention or you want to suggest your friend's post, you are free to do so by commenting on @yourhelper with a link to the post. So long as this is not abused, your helper may consider going through the post to sniff for content.

Try not to drop more than one link in 24 hours; please do not spam. There is no guarantee that your helper will approve your content for upvoting and exposure but it will cost you nothing to try. Kindly note that whether you dropped a link or not, your helper may still discover your content.

@yourhelper guideline

  • follow @yourhelper (must only if you chose to drop a link).
  • make sure your article is above average in quality.
  • Make sure the article is within 24 hrs from the time of posting.

Welcome to @yourhelper as we mutually assist each other to success....

Follow @yourhelper

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