@yourhelper Welcomes All Minnows And Newbies To Hard Fork 19 Era

@yourhelper Welcomes All Minnows And Newbies To Hard Fork 19 Era

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Some few days back, actually about eight days ago, @yourhelper was born to solve a problem. Indeed a problem that was beginning to constitute a nuisance to steemit community and was threatening this great platform. The problem was so marked that you do not need to read up to three posts in the category "new" without seeing it mentioned in one way or the other. This problem was that of poor earnings by posts made by newbies and minnows irrespective of the quality of post.

This forced obviously over stretched whales and dolphins in the community to strategize on how to surmount a problem that was threatening a community they had built over time; they started proffering different solutions to see how that challenge could be ameliorated. This gave birth to projects like @randowhale voting, @minnowsupport and so on.As more whales got overwhelmed by the request and pleading from minnows and newbies for an upvote, more project geared towards helping them were born.

This challenge gave birth to @yourhelper about eight days ago. @yourhelper was designed by some whales to assist newbies and minnows to get a footing by trying to guide them on how best to survive in steemit community and also trying to upvote quality posts made by them. Indeed it has been a successful project so far attracting a followership of over 200 people in just eight days.

Current Situation After Hard Fork 19

After hard fork 19, a lot has changed. Many minnows can now stand on their own without much support while some still needs that little push to help them stand. @yourhelper is still here to guide you towards a successful steemit journey.

If you are in doubt, ask @yourhelper; If you are confused, ask @yourhelper for direction!!!

Hardfork 19 Brought Up New Challenges

Yes you can see that posts are earning more now but a new challenge has been thrown up by hardfork 19. Have you noticed that people are no longer upvoting posts as much as before? The reason is simple. You have only 10 votes at 100% per day now unlike before where you have 40 votes. You and me know that sharing 40 votes would be a lot more easier than sharing 10 votes.


How has the hard fork affected you? I need your candid opinion.
Are you still begging for votes as much as before?
Do you think the witnesses who agreed on Hard fork did a good job?
If you have your way, how would you have implemented hard fork differently?

I need comments on the above posers. Drop them in the comment box

Reminder of @yourhelper Guideline

Your link should be less than 24 hours old for your helper to sniff it for quality content.
You can drop a link not more than one in 24 hrs.
You can drop quality post links belonging to you or your friends.
You can comment on, upvote and resteem our post.(not a must but a way to advance this noble course)
You should try and follow @yourhelper(not a must but you need it).
You can take some time to go through the links posted on @yourhelper page and try and to upvote some where you can. You need it so do it for others. That is life.
Kindly acknowledge via comment when you receive an unusual upvote on your dropped link.

Upvote, Resteem and Follow: @yourhelper

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