Self worth is a delicate attribute in one's life, once your worth is trampled on, it poses an influence on the value you place on your self which as well affects your personality. Learning to appreciate and love yourself gives you much confidence in the midst of others. It's difficult putting up with yourself when you can't bring yourself to accept who you are, the flaws you're moulded in, the qualities and physical embodiment you possess, sometimes it leaves you comparing yourself with others, getting unnecessarily worked up because of people's definition of you.
I can run my mind to those days I was in secondary school, I remember being the tallest among all the girls in my class. At a point, I felt ashamed of my height, I started reading magazines and surfing the internet with my parent's phones on how to reduce my height, there were days I skipped some food because the internet told me to and there were days I devoured all the food because I found that idea in a magazine or on the internet. It's ridiculous but I nearly avoided all social events except church gatherings for no reason. As a shy and introverted jerk which I was, being recognized or noticed in a gathering was one of the silly fears I had then because my self worth was low, I had a poor picture in my mind about myself. So I purposely hid myself from any responsibility that had the tendency of exposing me or making me to meet with people because I couldn't stand walking into a place just to look like the giant of the present generation because as a girl, society says it wasn't normal.
Humans were all born with an insatiable hunger for more things, it comes naturally that at a point, you'll feel maybe if you were one way or the other or possessed certain attributes that you would be doing better than where you are now. It's of a necessity to take into cognizance that however you are depicts the uniqueness you wield. Self acceptance comes in to play an important role here especially in a society like this where people try to set standards of beauty and perfection for other people. Self acceptance is really a rare virtue to possess. It is bringing yourself to accept that there is beauty in diversity, not just diversity in race, culture or beliefs but also beauty in diversity in the physical embodiment and disposition of individuals. image It's sad that so many people give up their values just to be accepted by others, they get swayed away by people's opinion about them that they twist their lives to fit the beliefs of others. They can do anything just to grab the label the society has to offer that they are "normal and okay".
Keeping relationships with others can become toxic and hurtful if you don't have a moderate opinion of yourself because it can most likely result in low self esteem and depression. Self worth isn't pride, pride is equivalent to self explosion, placing yourself above others without accepting your flaws and weaknesses, self worth is bringing yourself to accept everything you're made up of including your strengths and weaknesses without placing yourself under the bondage of people's beliefs and opinions about you.
Now I've learnt to take pride in my height, I realized I wasn't that tall after all, I only built a wrong picture of me. There are days I now wake up, look through the mirror and tell myself that if I wasn't created tall then it would have been a costly and disastrous mistake on the part of creation. So get up each day knowing that you live in a world where no two persons are equal, spot your uniqueness and make it your strength, take pride in who you are even as you constantly strive to better your abilities and strengths. image

The photos here were extracted from pixabay

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