Cloning Kush 'N Cheese: First Ever Attempt To Clone Cannabis

In HONOR of today being 4/20

Kush 'N Cheese

KNC is 60% sativa/40% indica and this is my first time growing this strain. In the past I have grown Sour Diesel(sativa) that gave me a fairly good yield; and according to those who consumed it... "one of the best" and a few "Yeah, that's really good". I almost cloned the Sour Diesel back in December before the flowering stage began, but I was to green; as this had been my second crop. I felt I needed more experience growing before I ventured into cloning.

What is the difference between sativa and indica?

If you had asked me this question one year ago, I would have given you the deer in the headlights' look. But now after months and months of research, visits to the kind of local hydroponics' store and talking to other growers, I have become a wealth of information.


Ready to be the life of the party? Want some energy? Then a sativa is on the menu for you. Sativas are great for edibles too I have found. You get to have a burst of energy as well as satisfy that hunger pain of munchies.


Indica strains are the ones you want to consume when you're looking to relax. You know, after that hard day of work and you need some time to cool down, let the adrenaline leave your body and you just want to de-stress.

Cloning Process

Step One

Gather all sanitized and clean supplies before cutting the plant.
Items needed are:

  • Sharp scissors
  • Razor blade
  • Solo cup with 3-4 holes poked in bottom
  • Drainage plate
  • Water and spray bottle of water
  • Root Riot cubes
  • Clonex gel
  • Coco Coir soil/dirt
  • Clear lid/water bottle for dome
  • Rubber gloves

Step Two- Cutting The Plant

Using the sanitized and sharp scissors, cut a newer growth branch from the mother plant at a 45-degree angle. Make the cutting about 5-6 inches. You want to do this step quickly as to prevent too much air to get into the stem.

Use the sanitized and sharp straight edge razor blade to carefully split a notch in the bottom of the stem. This helps to get the Clonex into the meat of the stem.

Step Three

Have bottle of Clonex ready.

Using a plastic spoon or throw away spoon, pour some of the Clonex gel into the spoon.

You will be dipping the recently cut branch's tip into the gel before putting into the pre-made hole on the Root Riot Cube.

Step Four

Once you have dipped and swirled the cut branch thoroughly with Clonex gel, gently and carefully not to bruise or damage the branch into the hole on the cube. Push down gently but firmly making sure enough of the stem is in the cube to give it enough support.

Step Five- Transplanting To Cup

Fill Solo cup with chosen dirt. I have been using Coco Coir; so that's what I filled the cup with about 3/4 of the way. I carefully placed the cube with clone into the soil and added more as needed to cover the cube and about two inches of the stem. Making sure there is enough support for the next two to three weeks. I watered the cube and plant thoroughly but did not over-water or saturate dirt too much.

Step Six- Trimming the Fan Leaves

The reason I am doing this is because I have read how trimming the fan leaves allows for more nutritional value to go to the coning process and the development of the clone. It helps to conserve the energy the clone needs to grow and, Heaven forbid not be a success.

Final Steps- Spritzing Leaves & Dome Cover

Take the water bottle of lukewarm water and spritz the freshly trimmed fan leaves and plant. Make sure the stream of spritzing is not to harsh. Keep it at the lightest spritz possible.

Finally spritz some water into the dome. Once you have this one, cover the Solo cup and clone. The reason for the water spritz into the dome is to help build and keep humidity for the clone.

I am keeping them under 24/7 lighting of a T5 fluorescent light in my second grow tent and will be monitoring the progress daily; more like ten times a day as I want to be successful with this first cloning venture.

Now I let the clones sit covered, watering as needed and keeping the moisture for the humidity levels inside the dome for the next two to three weeks. Once I see roots beginning to grow out of the bottom of the Solo cup in about 14-21 days I will need to transplant the clone into the 5-gallon bucket.


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