Where to sleep at the end of the road?! // Backpacking through Sweden Day #6

Hey everyone!

I noticed that I haven’t even finished telling the story of my backpacking trip. For anyone who doesn’t know what the first five days were about, or for anyone who forgot (I don’t blame you!), here are the links: Day #1, Day #2, Day #3, Day #4, Day #5
Let’s get this story told!

For a quick recap, on Day #5 we walked from our emergency hostel (our entire belongings had got soaking wet from the rain) to a huge wind shelter. Of course because of my practically useless mat it was like sleeping on wood planks.

Day #6

I spent most of the night changing positions and sometimes speaking with my friends, who also had trouble sleeping. We got up at 9 but I had been awake much longer. After changing clothes we ate breakfast and the other two drank coffee. Around 11 we were done packing up and walked to Norra Häljaröd. Look who greeted us right at the fence!


I love how the sign warns of cattle. Who would've guessed!
They kind of blocked our way, which was scary.


I love cows, though. Look at their cuteness (and yes I’m a vegetarian in case you still had any doubt, haha).

We took a break a bit later and then walked to Utvälinge (around 1:30 p.m.). Just so you know, this is where the Kullaleden path (about 70 km long) ends. We wanted to go to Ängelholm the next day (by bus). But there was no place to sleep anywhere at the end of the road, so we kept walking and then had our lunch break to think about our next move. Our tubed cheese was empty too soon..

To be completely honest, at some point I considered sleeping under a bridge. The path we were on was super small with bushes all around so there was no chance we could put the tent up. I also wanted to ask someone in a smaller town if we could sleep in their barn, but nobody seemed to be there. Plus I had two travel companions and not everyone wanted to sleep under a bridge (trust me, it looked like a very safe, comfy place).

Anyways, we decided to walk to a town called Karlshalla, along a super long straight street in the burning sun. It seemed like we would never reach the end of the road. But we did. And after walking some more we actually ended up in Ängelholm!

And then in Siberia (it’s called Sibirien in German).


Obviously not the real Siberia. It was a beach ;)

After each buying a coke we saw a wind shelter on a map! It was far away, but we ended up going there anyways. Arrival time: 6 p.m.


I know this looks really shabby, but check out the location!


I think we found a pretty cool place to sleep. After dinner I finally convinced Oscar and Ella to do yoga with me. And then we massaged each others necks on the pier. Sounds like a wonderful end of the backpacking trip (the next four days were spent in Ängelholm and Stockholm), right?

Except when my friends wanted a wandering cat to come into bed with us. It was super scary, even the thought of a cat jumping out the dark and walking over me lying down. I don’t know..

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