The suitcase full of money is heavy

This is part two of a suitcase full of money...


The suitcase full of money is heavy, so very heavy and I’m sweating as I walk through the fields. I’d left the cover of the trees of the wood far behind where I’d found the suitcase, and I couldn’t stop thinking of what I was going to spend the money on, and was someone after me, and where was I going to go now?


No sleep tonight as I find myself miles down-river in another deep wood not far from town to wait until morning comes.

I hide in some bushes with all the money and count the long hours passing until dawn.


I was filthy after having had to live rough for so long so I couldn’t go straight to a hotel until I’d cleaned myself up, especially not carrying a big dirty heavy suitcase full of money.

I thought to get a new suitcase on wheels, a set of clean clothes and have a wash in the public toilets maybe, but it was too late for that now, close to midnight, and if I came across the police they would stop me and demand a search, so better to hide up until morning, then get myself to a shop and buy a new case on wheels to carry all the money. I just have to stay away from other people and not be seen until I can get sorted out.

Half past one in the morning and I’m listening to hear anything at all: maybe someone chasing me and looking for their suitcase full of money, some search party beating the bushes, dogs. I hear nothing but the silence before dawn and think: finder’s keeper’s losers weepers, it’s mine now.

Images from Pixabay

End of part two. Part three tomorrow.

Link to part one: @wales/what-would-you-do-if-you-found-a-suitcase-full-of-money

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