The Old Dog Presents: A Series of Steemit Trading Cards Featuring Your Favorite Steemers! Contest!

I'm thrilled to announce the first in a series of 2017 Steemit Trading Cards featuring some of Steemit's greatest contributors.

Contest to Submit a Graphic Format For The Steemit Trading Cards!

Here below I've offered up a quick sample of what I have in mind but I'd like one of you to turn my idea into a snazzy  looking collectible of 2017 Steemit all-stars!

Contest Rules And Prizes

  • Contest closes on Tuesday  Sept 26 at midnight EST
  • Please use the text that I've provided then use the image or another similar one that you think fits the members personality. Combine these with your imagination to create an eye popping card!
  • You must use the tag steemitcard in order to be eligable.
  • Please leave a copy of your creation in the comments but feel free to create your own post with your creation!
  • First place prize: 20 Steem
  • Second Place Prize 10 Steem
  • Third Place Prize 5 Steem

A Prize That Keeps on Giving as it Turns Into a Steemgig!

The member selected as having the winning format may then have the opportunity of being paid 20 Steem for each future card that we produce. I will supply the text and the photo and then the format can be used again!

How many cards will we produce? Who knows? Let's see how it goes but at least 5-10 of the top Steemers will be featured with their own trading card!

Here's The Full text so You Can Copy And Paste!

@papa-pepper, Steemit’s Home Grown Super Star!   
@papa-pepper leap frogged onto the scene 15 months ago and has become one of Steemit's top authors by worming his way into everyone's hearts!   
His followers have multiplied like the rabbits that he breeds while this wild-man homesteader has gardened and encouraged others on his way to Steemit Stardom! This father, husband, humourist and deep thinker has outworked just about every other blogger and is famous for coining the expression "Don’t waste your time online, invest it with"       
Reputation: Ranked No.5 on Steemit with a mind boggling 76.3!   
Followers: Sits solidly in the top 20 with over 8,770!   
Posts: With over 27,000 posts @papa-pepper has interacted with others at the rate of about 60 times a day! No wonder he's a superstar!   
Check out Steemit's Home Grown Superstar for Yourself at      

Here's a Format That I Like!

Image source:

Here is The Raw Image Taken by @papa-pepper Himself

Points to Ponder!

  • Have you ever collected trading cards?
  • Who else would you like to see featured?
  • Do you enjoy entering Steemit contests?

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

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