Where's Steemit.Chat???

Update5 - [Nearly There]

The brave among you can try the new server at:

Not this is not ssl certified yet and may need to get reset but it'll scratch the itch haha. Once the DNS updates I can get us back to happy htps and steemit dot chat domain.

UPDATE4 [9:34pm EST]

Database is being restored on the new server. Still waiting for the DNS to update (if it's not one thing it's another, eh?) but it should all come together nicely. I'll keep on till it's running again.


New server is up and running. Just waiting for the DNS to redirect so I can renew certs.


I have box access again and am doing a DB backup before bringing things back on line. I have been in communication with @gandalf about how to prevent an outage like this in the future. We have a plan and with the funds from this post we can make it happen. We should be back up in an hour or so and performance will be addressed shortly there after. It may require some restarts but I'd like to get things smooth again.


Looks like a network card failed in or near the server. For those curious when it went down we were processing 45 Gigabytes of messages per day for about 12k users. When we migrated to this server it was around 500 Megabytes a day for around 4000 users. While we've tripled in size since then I suspect the real growth is in the active users versus those that have made accounts and never came back.

To that end once I get box access again I'll be migrating the back end database to enterprise grade hardware (AWS EBS) that can scale with some real steem!

Hey folks,

The server has been straining under the influx of new users and yesterday gave up. I am working with the service provider to get it back online enough for me to migrate it to a more powerful server that can better handle the load and scale for future load.

My apologies for the down time. We will work to restore service ASAP.

Kind Regards,

James aka Riverhead.

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