My SteemitCrush: @polebird

I have this feeling of not participating in this contest. Not because I won't get the fun of writing about my Steemitcrush @polebird but because she may likely read through my post and smile to herself, and think that I am in the same category with her other admirers.

However, because the rules of the contest has been set by @ramengirl, I will play a little by the rules and a little by my emotions. I have been in the Steemit ommunity for about 30days officially. During these period of observing and browsing through people's post, I came in contact with @polebird from @kalinart blog. Her Steemit name made me curious and I hurriedly went to her blog and checked her out, before I could discern fully why I spent so much time on her blog, my heart has sent a signal to my hands, and my hands happily decoded the signal and tapped the "follow" tab on her blog.

Since then, I've literally turned to her shadow, smiling sheepishly to myself when I watch her videos with @karensuestudios about the artificial Olympic they organized within themselves. Sometimes I had to restrain myself from watching the videos numerous times because of other secular activities, but I am thankful to my memory that I recall every part of their video by closing my eyes or seeing any tall pole, haha. Some persons may think I am being too generous with encomiums for her but you will heartily love them when you watch them. Take sometime and visit the links, and I will be sure to have added to the number of her praise singers.

Challenge #1: Testing Agility

Challenge #2: Testing Strength

Challenge #3: Testing Endurance

Challenge #4: Testing Survival

Challenge #5: Testing Sensitivity

If I am opportuned to meet my Steemitcrush @polebird, I will like to know why she is shy sometimes during the challenge with @karensuestudios. I will also make her laugh endlessly because seeing her smile and laugh in the video gives me unexplainable butterflies in my stomach. Also, if She gets too shy being around me, I will gladly employ the services of @karensuestudios to help bring out the blushing face she hides with her smiles.

I can go on and on to express my admiration for her here, but I feel she will never understand my feelings fully because I expressed them in a contest. Thus, I beg all who matters to @polebird to help me deliver this piece to her. I want to thank @ramengirl for the opportunity to express half of what I feel for @polebird in form of a contest. I can be very shy when I stand before people I crush on.

Thanks to the Steemit community for giving voice to what I feel for @polebird. I know I will stutter endlessly should she give me the opportunity to meet her. I also know She will be glad for giving such Chance to me.


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