STEEMIT CULINARY CHALLENGE #3 : Smoothie delite and smoothie ice cream

Salve Steemit Nation!

Today I prepared something for "STEEMIT CULINARY CHALLENGE" and I can say that I am super excited because one of the judge is @gringalicious and all of her food recipe and photos are no pressure ..uff!

As always I start the recipe in reverse...I dunno why but further on the line I like to add ingredients.So what I used is as followes:

  • yogurt
  • bananas
  • chia seeds
  • goji seeds
  • cranberries
  • hazelnuts
    and I added an apple, orange and oatmeal.
    Olso I must add that chia, goji seeds and cranberries are not normally found in my country, Romania so I took them from the best place that I know wich is a local plafar (it is a store that sells roots, suppliments, tea leaves and many more.)
    The hazelnuts are from my beautifull tree that I have in my garden, if you want you can see it here:
    The recipe is one of my own making and I must say that I had no ideea what the taste will be here!

    We start by smashing the shells of the hazelnuts.

    After that I clean them with fresh water.

    I put cranberries, goji, chia seeds and hazelnuts and mix them in a bowl.


    Now I add the bananas and the mixture is ready for the yogurt.

Add yogurt

Oh dont forget about the oatmeal!

Next step is to put all the ingredients and just mix them in a mixer or a blender that you own.

At this point I just wanted to tast my product so I put the smoothie in a glass with two slices of a fresh orange. I must say the taste was awesome!


Look at that beautifull texture!

At this point I had another ideea! Why not put a part of my smoothie in my freezer?

I left my smoothie in the freezer about 2 h and I got this:

ice cream

And voila my presentation!

Hashtag: iluminati , shh dont tell anyone!


Thank you very much for reading my post,I had a lot of fun making it!

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