STEEMIT CULINARY CHALLENGE #46 : Apple Ring Of Saturn!!!

Hello lovely world of Steemians and foodies!!!

Due to time constraint, these days I am unable to participate in all the lovely cooking contests in which I used to be present in the past!

But when I do get some free will surely see me entering and supporting these contest especially the Steemit Culinary Challenge run by the one and only @woman-onthe-wing!

Despite my absence these days, I have encouraged my wife @creativewoman to keep on sending entries in all the cooking contests and she is quite regular I noticed! So in away we can say I am still present!!!


Coming to this week's theme, I was happy to read it was the 'Apple' theme chosen by the guest judge for this week who is none other than the greatest foodie of Steemit : @allasyummyfood!

Another great news is that Steemit Culinary Challenge is celebrating its 1 year existence for this round! This is just amazing!

So to celebrate this achievement, I decided to make an Apple Ring Of Saturn which is actually a dessert and very easy to make! My idea was to use two main ingredients in doing this dessert and I finally stayed on the idea and I am so happy with the final result!

Apple Ring Of Saturn

I started this recipe by making a very flavorful apple compote with diced red delicious apple, the apple peels, cinnamon stick, honey, saffron pistils, fresh turmeric, cardamom seeds and butter!

I put it on slow fire and let it simmered for around 45 minutes!
I did not want a pureed apple, I wanted some small whole pieces to still be there!


This is the result I wanted!
Once you have this, discard the cinnamon stick, cardamon seeds, fresh turmeric and apple peels!
Keep the compote warm and reserve for later use!


Next main ingredient is the shortbread dough!
If you want the recipe, just follow this link, I shared it some days back!
Using a rolling pin, roll the shorbread dough and cut as you can see below!
Put in the oven to cook!
Cook at 180 degrees celcius for about 18 minutes


This is the shorbread after coming out from the oven!
For this recipe I used only the outer part which resembles the ring of Saturn!


Next thing I did was caramelizing some apple cut in thick batonnet with just little butter!
I let them caramelized in its own natural sugars!
I also cut some more apple which I kept raw to bring the crispy touch in the dessert!


So here we are with all the preps ready!
Only need to dress this dessert now!

  • Cooked Shorbread
  • Apple compote
  • Caramelized apple
  • Raw apple
  • Coarse fresh almond powder ( Not on the picture )


I started by spreading the compote on the shortbread as you can see below!
Then I delicately put both the caramelized apple and raw apple to complete the dessert!


I felt it was missing then I added some coarse fresh almond powder which I just put on top of this yummy looking dessert!


Here you go with another proof photo with the tag!


I enjoyed this dessert while it was still warm with a nice scoop of vanilla ice cream!
It was just heavenly my friend!
Sometimes it is in the most simple dish that we get the best pleasures of the world!


Bon Apetit my friends!

So here we are with my entry for this 46th week of Steemit Culinary Challenge!
Hope you guys enjoyed it!

Do you like it!? Then try it!

By following me you will discover more and more surprising recipes!

Please do comment below if you want some more info!

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Thank you!

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