STEEMIT CULINARY CHALLENGE #43 - Dessert with zucchini, pears and chocolate.

 Hello my lovely friends of Steemit! 

 Today I bringing  you my first Steemit Culinary Challenge recipe. There was enough time for cooking two dishes, but I always put it off until the last.
I love the end of summer and autumn, because it gives us a lot of vegetables and fruits. Therefore, I really wanted to participate in this topic.

This is my recipe for this week's Steemit Culinary Challenge, hosted by the genius @woman-onthe-wing and generously sponsored by @gringalicious and @sirwinchester.

Courgettes are truly universal vegetables. From them you can cook the first dishes, main course, dessert, compote and jam.
Young zucchini thanks to its flavoring properties perfectly combines with all the products.
Here I want to share with you a dessert of zucchini and chocolate.


  • 1 zucchini (medium size);
  • 1 pear;
  • 120 ml of sour cream;
  • 150 g - white sugar;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 120 g of flour;
  • 60 g of cocoa powder;
  • ½ teaspoon of vanillin;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • ¼ teaspoon baking powder;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • 90 g of black chocolate + for decor.


1. Sift flour, cocoa, soda and baking powder, add salt and vanillin to them, mix thoroughly.

2. Separately connect the watered courgette and pear (do not squeeze excess moisture) with sugar, sour cream and a couple of eggs.

3. Mix the dry ingredients with liquid, and add the dough obtained with chocolate crumbs.

4. Fill the baking pan and bake for 55-65 minutes at 180 degrees.


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