Steemit Culinary Challenge #3: My Healthy Smoothie

Broccoli and Bananas in My Family's Habit.

Already since long ago I love broccoli, even after I married and having children at this time. My wife also when pregnant and breastfeeding is very often made of broccoli as a main meal, besides rice and fish. Although now my son don't like broccoli, but I am always motivated him in various ways so that he liked the broccoli.

If the bananas, of course, you already know various kinds of benefits. The fruit with yellow skin has become a tradition at our place since the baby began to stop breastfeeding and start eating for the first time, the bananas become its main food, bananas are also frequently collaborated with rice, by way of mashed. It is special for baby food.

According to some sources that I read, broccoli contains vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C and vitamin K. In addition, broccoli also equipped with antioxidant capacity. So, you don't need worry, really a lot benefits there.

Broccoli is also known as "Super Food" because it has a high level of vitamin. Here broccoli as a vegetable is often made to be eaten with rice. There were boiled and commonly also at saute and even made soup. This time I tried to collaborate between bananas and broccoli to make my smoothie was delicious and had a value of vitamins that are useful for health.

Well, just go ahead, we will make a smoothie by making broccoli and bananas as the main ingredient. For one glass of smoothie.

The ingredients:

  • 3 pieces bananas
  • 1 floret broccoli
  • 1 sachet condensed soy milk
  • 1 sachet of condensed chocolate milk
  • Salt to taste
  • A little of water

How to make:

  • Peel 2 bananas

  • Mix with 4 tablespoons of white milk, (soy milk) and blend until smooth. You can add a little water, remember! little, not too much, because it will make your smoothie into juice. We're not juicing, but smoothies.

  • After a smooth, pour it into the glass.

  • Then prepare 1 banana again and fill in to the blender.
  • Enter 4 tablespoons of milk chocolate. Blend until smooth.

  • Pour again into the glass earlier so have two colors, brown and white milk

  • Take a few buds of broccoli only

  • Lastly, put some broccoli florets into a blender, put 3 tablespoons of milk soy, and blender for a long time. Because broccoli is rather rough texture, so it is not easy smoother for a short time.

When finished, please fill in again into the glass already filled banana + milk chocolate and banana + soy milk earlier.

Provide ice cubes, break and fill in into the glass. Banana Smoothie + broccoli is very delicious to drink when it is cold. Please give also to your kids. They would like, it feels so soft.

If you want to feel the benefit, you can make this smoothie every day at home. I purposely made this smoothie today to following the event Steemit Culinary Challenge that hosted by @englishtchrivy. With sponsors by @smooth, @rusvanelulmarin, and @wingz.

Aceh, November 12, 2016.

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