Steemit Payout Challenge to Buy A House and Lot

This is a challenge to my self as a Steemian.I aim that hopefully in future I can buy my own property from my steemit payout and crypto investments.

I believe that it can be possible because @bobiecayao bought a 1.5 Million house from his online ventures and that motivates me that I can do the same as well.

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To make it possible heres what I need to do as a challenge.

*Humanatic Call Summary Job - Will be my source for my house expencess such as food,water and electric bill and other necessities.

*Bitconnect - My Bitconnect payout will be my monthly house rent payment.

*Steemit payouts - Will be for my savings and crypto investment.

I do not like to save money at the bank to avoid withrawal.I have sometimes this behaviour that If I like to buy something then I will just withraw my savings anytime.

So my options goes like this I prefer to invest my money to crypto for a long term.

And the other part is to save my money at PAG IBIG Funds where I am only allowed to withdraw my money after 5 years with interist.

This what makes me interisted to save my 5,000 pesos monthly at PAG IBIG Funds.


At province if you have 300,000 pesos you can buy a property.And this is what I like to happend to buy a own house Im tired of keep on renting.

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